icluster_manager_configuration.h File Reference
API component to interact with the cluster manager.
Code Example
* Copyright 2024 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include <mi/base/interface_declare.h>
namespace mi {
namespace neuraylib {
class ICluster_notification_callback : public
virtual void error_callback() = 0;
virtual void status_change_callback() = 0;
virtual void cluster_change_callback() = 0;
virtual void cluster_ready_callback(bool is_ready) = 0;
class ICluster_manager_node : public
virtual const char* get_node_name() = 0;
virtual const char* get_ip_address() = 0;
virtual const char* get_user_name() = 0;
virtual Size
get_cpu_count() = 0;
virtual Float32
get_cpu_load() = 0;
virtual Size
get_total_main_memory() = 0;
virtual Size
get_free_main_memory() = 0;
virtual Size
get_gpu_count() = 0;
virtual Float32
get_gpu_load() = 0;
virtual Size
get_total_gpu_memory() = 0;
virtual Size
get_free_gpu_memory() = 0;
class ICluster_manager_cluster : public
virtual const char* get_head_node() = 0;
virtual const char* get_software_package_id() = 0;
virtual const char* get_bridge_protocol_version() = 0;
virtual const char* get_authentication_token() = 0;
virtual bool is_compatible() = 0;
virtual Size
get_number_of_cluster_nodes() = 0;
virtual ICluster_manager_node* get_cluster_node( Size index) = 0;
virtual bool can_be_closed() = 0;
virtual const char* get_head_node_address() = 0;
virtual ICluster_manager_node* get_head_node_descriptor() = 0;
virtual ICluster_manager_node* grow_cluster(Sint32* errors) = 0;
virtual Sint32
shrink_cluster(ICluster_manager_node* node) = 0;
class ICluster_pool_information : public
virtual Size
get_number_of_nodes() const = 0;
virtual ICluster_manager_node* get_node( Size index) const = 0;
class ISoftware_package : public
virtual const char* get_id() const = 0;
virtual const char* get_description() const = 0;
virtual const char* get_bridge_protocol_version() const = 0;
class ICluster_manager_connection : public
virtual const char* get_address() const = 0;
virtual Size
get_number_of_compatible_software_packages() const = 0;
virtual const ISoftware_package* get_compatible_software_package( Size index) const = 0;
virtual Size
get_number_of_software_packages() const = 0;
virtual const ISoftware_package* get_software_package( Size index) const = 0;
virtual const ICluster_pool_information* get_cluster_pool_information() const = 0;
virtual ICluster_manager_cluster* reserve_cluster(
Size requested_nodes, const char* software_package_id, Sint32* errors = 0) = 0;
virtual Sint32
release_cluster() = 0;
virtual ICluster_manager_cluster* get_cluster() = 0;
virtual void set_cluster_notification_callback( ICluster_notification_callback* callback) = 0;
virtual bool authenticate_user(
const char* user_name, const char* password, bool* is_admin = 0, Sint32* errors = 0) = 0;
virtual void set_auto_release_cluster( bool auto_release_enabled) = 0;
virtual bool get_auto_release_cluster() = 0;
virtual const char* get_vca_name() const = 0;
class ICluster_manager_configuration : public
virtual ICluster_manager_connection* connect(
const char* address, const char* user_name, const char* password, Sint32* errors = 0) = 0;
// end group mi_neuray_cluster_manager
} // namespace neuraylib
} // namespace mi
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