neuray API Programmer's Manual

mi::neuraylib::Argument_editor Class Reference

[MDL-related elements]


A wrapper around the interface for MDL material instances and function calls. The purpose of the MDL argument editor is to simplify working with MDL material instances and function calls. The key benefit is that it wraps API call sequences occurring in typical tasks into one single method call, e.g., changing arguments (as long as their type is not too complex): Typically this requires at least seven API calls (even more in case of arrays or if you do not use mi::neuraylib::set_value()). The argument editor offers a single method to support this task.

Many methods are overload in the first parameter to support argument indices as well as argument names. See set_value( Size, const T&) and set_value( const char*, const T&) for an overview of the various overloads of set_value(). See get_value( Size, T&)constand get_value( const char*, T&)const for an overview of the various overloads of get_value().

  • The index-based overloads are faster than the name-based overloads and should be preferred if the index/indices are known.

  • The argument editor does not expose the full functionality of the underlying interface, but provides access to it via get_scene_element().

See mi::neuraylib::IFunction_call for the underlying interface. See also mi::neuraylib::Definition_wrapper for a similar wrapper for MDL material and function definitions.

General methods

 Argument_editor( ITransaction* transaction, const char* name, IMdl_factory* mdl_factory, bool intent_to_edit = false)
Constructs an MDL argument editor for a fixed material instance or function call. More...
IExpression::​Kind get_argument_kind( Size parameter_index) const
Returns the expression kind of an argument. More...
IExpression::​Kind get_argument_kind( const char* parameter_name) const
Returns the expression kind of an argument. More...
const IExpression_listget_arguments() const
Returns all arguments.
const char* get_definition() const
Returns the DB name of the corresponding material or function definition.
const char* get_mdl_definition() const
Returns the MDL name of the corresponding material or function definition.
Size get_parameter_count() const
Returns the number of parameters.
Size get_parameter_index( const char* name) const
Returns the index position of a parameter. More...
const char* get_parameter_name( Size index) const
Returns the name of the parameter at index. More...
const IType_listget_parameter_types() const
Returns the types of all parameters.
const ITypeget_return_type() const
Returns the return type.
Element_type get_type() const
Indicates whether the argument editor acts on a material instance or on a function call. More...
bool  is_array_constructor() const
Indicates whether the argument editor acts on a function call that is an instance of the array constructor. More...
bool  is_declarative() const
Indicates whether the corresponding material or function definition is declarative.
bool  is_material() const
Indicates whether the argument editor acts on a material instance.
bool  is_parameter_enabled( Size index, IMdl_evaluator_api* evaluator) const
Checks the enable_if condition of the given parameter. More...
bool  is_valid() const
Indicates whether the argument editor is in a valid state. More...
bool  is_valid_instance( IMdl_execution_context* context) const
Indicates whether the material instance or function call referenced by this argument editor is valid. More...
mi::​Sint32 repair( mi::​Uint32 flags, IMdl_execution_context* context)
Attempts to repair an invalid material instance or function call. More...

Methods related to resetting of arguments

Sint32 reset_argument( Size index)
Resets the argument at index. More...
Sint32 reset_argument( const char* name)
Sets an argument identified by name to its default. More...

Methods related to constant expressions

template< class T>Sint32 get_value( Size parameter_index, T& value) const
Returns an argument (values of constants only, no calls). More...
template< class T>Sint32 get_value( const char* parameter_name, T& value) const
Returns an argument (values of constants only, no calls). More...

Methods related to constant expressions (arrays)

template< class T>Sint32 get_value( Size parameter_index, T* value, Size n) const
Returns an array argument (values of constants only, no calls). More...
template< class T>Sint32 get_value( const char* parameter_name, T* value, Size n) const
Returns an array argument (values of constants only, no calls). More...

Methods related to constant expressions (components of compounds)

template< class T>Sint32 get_value( Size parameter_index, Size component_index, T& value) const
Returns a component of a compound argument (values of constants only, no calls). More...
template< class T>Sint32 get_value( const char* parameter_name, Size component_index, T& value) const
Returns a component of a compound argument (values of constants only, no calls). More...
template< class T>Sint32 get_value( Size parameter_index, const char* field_name, T& value) const
Returns a field of a struct argument (values of constants only, no calls). More...
template< class T>Sint32 get_value( const char* parameter_name, const char* field_name, T& value) const
Returns a field of a struct argument (values of constants only, no calls). More...

Methods related to constant expressions

template< class T>Sint32 set_value( Size parameter_index, const T& value)
Sets an argument. More...
template< class T>Sint32 set_value( const char* parameter_name, const T& value)
Sets an argument. More...

Methods related to constant expressions (arrays)

template< class T>Sint32 set_value( Size parameter_index, const T* value, Size n)
Sets an array argument (values of constants only, no calls). More...
template< class T>Sint32 set_value( const char* parameter_name, const T* value, Size n)
Sets an array argument (values of constants only, no calls). More...

Methods related to constant expressions (components of compounds)

template< class T>Sint32 set_value( Size parameter_index, Size component_index, const T& value)
Sets a component of a compound argument. More...
template< class T>Sint32 set_value( const char* parameter_name, Size component_index, const T& value)
Sets a component of a compound argument. More...
template< class T>Sint32 set_value( Size parameter_index, const char* field_name, const T& value)
Sets a field of a struct argument. More...
template< class T>Sint32 set_value( const char* parameter_name, const char* field_name, const T& value)
Sets a field of a struct argument. More...

Methods related to constant expressions (arrays)

Sint32 get_array_length( Uint32 parameter_index, Size& size) const
Returns the length of an array argument. More...
Sint32 get_array_length( const char* parameter_name, Size& size) const
Returns the length of an array argument. More...
Sint32 set_array_size( Uint32 parameter_index, Size size)
Sets the length of a deferred-sized array argument. More...
Sint32 set_array_size( const char* parameter_name, Size size)
Sets the length of a deferred-sized array argument. More...

Methods related to call expressions

const char* get_call( Size parameter_index) const
Returns an argument (call expressions only). More...
const char* get_call( const char* parameter_name) const
Returns an argument (call expressions only). More...
Sint32 set_call( Size parameter_index, const char* call_name)
Sets an argument (call expressions only). More...
Sint32 set_call( const char* parameter_name, const char* call_name)
Sets an argument (call expressions only). More...

Methods related to member access.

Element_type get_element_type() const
Get the element type.
IExpression_factoryget_expression_factory() const
Get the expression factory.
IMdl_factoryget_mdl_factory() const
Get the MDL factory.
const std::​string& get_name() const
Get the DB name of the MDL function call or material instance.
const IFunction_callget_scene_element() const
Get the MDL function call or material instance.
Get the MDL function call or material instance.
ITransactionget_transaction() const
Get the transaction.
IValue_factoryget_value_factory() const
Get the value factory.


mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::Argument_editor( ITransaction* transaction, const char* name, IMdl_factory* mdl_factory, bool intent_to_edit = false) [inline]

Constructs an MDL argument editor for a fixed material instance or function call.


The transaction to be used.
The name of the wrapped material instance or function call.
A pointer to the API component mi::neuraylib::IMdl_factory. Needed by all mutable methods, can be NULL if only const methods are used.
For best performance, the parameter should be set to true iff the intention is to edit the material instance or function call. This parameter is for performance optimizations only; the argument editor will work correctly independently of the value used. The performance penalty for setting it incorrectly to true is usually higher than setting it incorrectly to false. If in doubt, use the default of false.

Member Functions

IExpression::​Kind mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_argument_kind( Size parameter_index) const [inline]

Returns the expression kind of an argument. This method should be used to figure out whether mi::neuraylib::Argument_editor::get_value() or mi::neuraylib::Argument_editor::get_call() should be used for reading an argument.

IExpression::​Kind mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_argument_kind( const char* parameter_name) const [inline]

Returns the expression kind of an argument. This method should be used to figure out whether mi::neuraylib::Argument_editor::get_value() or mi::neuraylib::Argument_editor::get_call() should be used for reading an argument.

const IExpression_list* mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_arguments() const [inline]

Returns all arguments.

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_array_length( Uint32 parameter_index, Size& size) const [inline]

Returns the length of an array argument. If a literal 0 is passed for argument_index, the call is ambiguous. You need to explicitly cast the value to mi::Uint32.


The index of the argument in question.
The current length of the array of the specified argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_index is out of range.
  • -4: The argument is not a constant.
  • -5: The argument is not an array.

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_array_length( const char* parameter_name, Size& size) const [inline]

Returns the length of an array argument.


The name of the argument in question.
The current length of the array of the specified argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_name is invalid.
  • -4: The argument is not a constant.
  • -5: The argument is not an array.

const char* mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_call( Size parameter_index) const [inline]

Returns an argument (call expressions only). If a literal 0 is passed for parameter_index, the call is ambiguous. You need to explicitly cast the value to mi::Size.


The index of the argument in question.


The name of the call, or NULL if parameter_index is out of bounds or the argument expression is not a call.

const char* mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_call( const char* parameter_name) const [inline]

Returns an argument (call expressions only).


The name of the argument in question.


The name of the call, or NULL if parameter_name is invalid or the argument expression is not a call.

const char* mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_definition() const [inline]

Returns the DB name of the corresponding material or function definition.

Element_type mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_element_type() const [inline]

Get the element type.

IExpression_factory* mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_expression_factory() const [inline]

Get the expression factory.

const char* mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_mdl_definition() const [inline]

Returns the MDL name of the corresponding material or function definition.

IMdl_factory* mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_mdl_factory() const [inline]

Get the MDL factory.

const std::​string& mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_name() const [inline]

Get the DB name of the MDL function call or material instance.

Size mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_parameter_count() const [inline]

Returns the number of parameters.

Size mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_parameter_index( const char* name) const [inline]

Returns the index position of a parameter.


The name of the parameter.


The index of the parameter, or -1 if name is invalid.

const char* mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_parameter_name( Size index) const [inline]

Returns the name of the parameter at index.


The index of the parameter.


The name of the parameter, or NULL if index is out of range.

const IType_list* mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_parameter_types() const [inline]

Returns the types of all parameters.

const IType* mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_return_type() const [inline]

Returns the return type.

const IFunction_call* mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_scene_element() const [inline]

Get the MDL function call or material instance.

IFunction_call* mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_scene_element() [inline]

Get the MDL function call or material instance.

ITransaction* mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_transaction() const [inline]

Get the transaction.

Element_type mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_type() const [inline]

Indicates whether the argument editor acts on a material instance or on a function call.


mi::neuraylib::ELEMENT_TYPE_FUNCTION_DEFINITION, or undefined if is_valid() returns false .

template< class T>

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_value( Size parameter_index, T& value) const [inline]

Returns an argument (values of constants only, no calls). This method supports all atomic MDL types with the corresponding C-type as type of value (and int for mi::neuraylib::IValue_enum). Vectors and matrices are supported if value is of type mi::math::Vector and mi::math::Matrix, respectively. For arrays, see get_value( Size, T*, Size)const. For components of compounds, see get_value( Size, Size, T&)constand get_value( Size, const char*, T&)const.

It is not possible to read entire structs with a single call (in general there is no corresponding C++ class, and absence of introspection machinery). Struct fields need to be read one by one.

There is no support for inner-most components of multi-dimensional compounds (arrays of compounds or structs of compounds) -- this would require additional overloads accepting two or more component indices and/or field names.

If a literal 0 is passed for parameter_index, the call is ambiguous. You need to explicitly cast the value to mi::Size.


The index of the argument in question.
The current value of the specified argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_index is out of range.
  • -4: The argument is not a constant.
  • -5: The type of the argument does not match the template parameter T.

template< class T>

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_value( const char* parameter_name, T& value) const [inline]

Returns an argument (values of constants only, no calls). This method supports all atomic MDL types with the corresponding C-type as type of value (and int for mi::neuraylib::IValue_enum). Vectors and matrices are supported if value is of type mi::math::Vector and mi::math::Matrix, respectively. For arrays, see get_value( const char*, T*, Size)const. For components of compounds, see get_value( const char*, Size, T&)constand get_value( const char*, const char*, T&)const.

It is not possible to read entire structs with a single call (in general there is no corresponding C++ class, and absence of introspection machinery). Struct fields need to be read one by one.

There is no support for inner-most components of multi-dimensional compounds (arrays of compounds or structs of compounds) -- this would require additional overloads accepting two or more component indices and/or field names.


The name of the argument in question.
The current value of the specified argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_name is invalid.
  • -4: The argument is not a constant.
  • -5: The type of the argument does not match the template parameter T.

template< class T>

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_value( Size parameter_index, T* value, Size n) const [inline]

Returns an array argument (values of constants only, no calls). If a literal 0 is passed for parameter_index, the call is ambiguous. You need to explicitly cast the value to mi::Size.


The index of the argument in question.
The current value of the specified argument.
The size of the C array (needs to match the size of the argument identified by parameter_index).


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_index is out of range.
  • -4: The argument is not a constant.
  • -5: The type of the argument does not match the template parameter T or the array size n.

template< class T>

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_value( const char* parameter_name, T* value, Size n) const [inline]

Returns an array argument (values of constants only, no calls).


The name of the argument in question.
The current value of the specified argument.
The size of the C array (needs to match the size of the argument identified by parameter_name).


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_name is out of range.
  • -4: The argument is not a constant.
  • -5: The type of the argument does not match the template parameter T or the array size n.

template< class T>

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_value( Size parameter_index, Size component_index, T& value) const [inline]

Returns a component of a compound argument (values of constants only, no calls). If a literal 0 is passed for parameter_index, the call is ambiguous. You need to explicitly cast the value to mi::Size.


The index of the argument in question.
The index of the component in question.
The current value of the specified argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_index is out of range.
  • -3: component_index is out of range.
  • -4: The argument is not a constant.
  • -5: The type of the argument does not match the template parameter T.

template< class T>

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_value( const char* parameter_name, Size component_index, T& value) const [inline]

Returns a component of a compound argument (values of constants only, no calls).


The name of the argument in question.
The index of the component in question.
The current value of the specified argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_name is invalid.
  • -3: component_index is out of range.
  • -4: The argument is not a constant.
  • -5: The type of the argument does not match the template parameter T.

template< class T>

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_value( Size parameter_index, const char* field_name, T& value) const [inline]

Returns a field of a struct argument (values of constants only, no calls). If a literal 0 is passed for parameter_index, the call is ambiguous. You need to explicitly cast the value to mi::Size.


The index of the argument in question.
The name of the struct field in question.
The current value of the specified argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_index is out of range.
  • -3: field_name is invalid.
  • -4: The argument is not a constant.
  • -5: The type of the argument does not match the template parameter T.

template< class T>

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_value( const char* parameter_name, const char* field_name, T& value) const [inline]

Returns a field of a struct argument (values of constants only, no calls).


The name of the argument in question.
The name of the struct field in question.
The current value of the specified argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_name is invalid.
  • -3: field_name is invalid.
  • -4: The argument is not a constant.
  • -5: The type of the argument does not match the template parameter T.

IValue_factory* mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::get_value_factory() const [inline]

Get the value factory.

bool mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::is_array_constructor() const [inline]

Indicates whether the argument editor acts on a function call that is an instance of the array constructor.

See also:


bool mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::is_declarative() const [inline]

Indicates whether the corresponding material or function definition is declarative.

bool mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::is_material() const [inline]

Indicates whether the argument editor acts on a material instance.

bool mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::is_parameter_enabled( Size index, IMdl_evaluator_api* evaluator) const [inline]

Checks the enable_if condition of the given parameter.


The index of the parameter.
A pointer to the API component mi::neuraylib::IMdl_evaluator_api.


false if the enable_if condition of this parameter evaluated to false , true otherwise

bool mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::is_valid() const [inline]

Indicates whether the argument editor is in a valid state. The argument editor is valid if and only if the name passed in the constructor identifies a material instance or function call. This method should be immediately called after invoking the constructor. If it returns false, no other methods of this class should be called.

bool mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::is_valid_instance( IMdl_execution_context* context) const [inline]

Indicates whether the material instance or function call referenced by this argument editor is valid. A material instance or function call is valid if itself and all calls attached to its arguments point to a valid definition.


Execution context that can be queried for error messages after the operation has finished. Can be NULL.


True , if the instance is valid, false otherwise.

mi::​Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::repair( mi::​Uint32 flags, IMdl_execution_context* context) [inline]

Attempts to repair an invalid material instance or function call.


Repair options, see mi::neuraylib::Mdl_repair_options.
Execution context that can be queried for error messages after the operation has finished. Can be NULL.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: Repair failed. Check the context for details.

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::reset_argument( Size index) [inline]

Resets the argument at index. If the definition has a default for this parameter (and it does not violate a potential uniform requirement), then a clone of it is used as new argument. Otherwise, a constant expression is created, observing range annotations if present (see the overload of mi::neuraylib::IValue_factory::create() with two arguments).


The index of the argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -2: Parameter index does not exist.
  • -4: The function call or material instance is immutable (because it appears in a default of a function or material definition).
  • -9: The function call or material instance is not valid (see is_valid()).

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::reset_argument( const char* name) [inline]

Sets an argument identified by name to its default. If the definition has a default for this parameter (and it does not violate a potential uniform requirement), then a clone of it is used as new argument. Otherwise, a constant expression is created, observing range annotations if present (see the overload of mi::neuraylib::IValue_factory::create() with two arguments).


The name of the parameter.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: Invalid parameters (NULL pointer).
  • -2: Parameter name does not exist.
  • -4: The function call or material instance is immutable (because it appears in a default of a function or material definition).
  • -9: The function call or material instance is not valid (see is_valid()).

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::set_array_size( Uint32 parameter_index, Size size) [inline]

Sets the length of a deferred-sized array argument. If the current argument is a call expression, it will be replaced by a constant expression.

If a literal 0 is passed for argument_index, the call is ambiguous. You need to explicitly cast the value to mi::Uint32.


The index of the argument in question.
The new length of the array of the specified argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_index is out of range.
  • -4: The material instance or function call is immutable.
  • -5: The argument is not a deferred-sized array.

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::set_array_size( const char* parameter_name, Size size) [inline]

Sets the length of a deferred-sized array argument. If the current argument is a call expression, it will be replaced by a constant expression.


The name of the argument in question.
The new length of the array of the specified argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_name is invalid.
  • -4: The material instance or function call is immutable.
  • -5: The argument is not a deferred-sized array.

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::set_call( Size parameter_index, const char* call_name) [inline]

Sets an argument (call expressions only). If a literal 0 is passed for parameter_index, the call is ambiguous. You need to explicitly cast the value to mi::Size.


The index of the argument in question.
The name of the call to set.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_index is out of range.
  • -3: The return type of call_name does not match the argument type.
  • -4: The material instance or function call is immutable.
  • -5: The parameter is uniform, but the return type of the call is varying.
  • -6: call_name is invalid.
  • -8: The parameter is uniform, but the argument is a call expression and the return type of the called function definition is effectively varying since the function definition itself is varying.
  • -10: The definition is non-declarative, but at least one of the arguments is a declarative call.

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::set_call( const char* parameter_name, const char* call_name) [inline]

Sets an argument (call expressions only).


The name of the argument in question.
The name of the call to set.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_name is invalid.
  • -3: The return type of call_name does not match the argument type.
  • -4: The material instance or function call is immutable.
  • -5: The parameter is uniform, but the return type of the call is varying.
  • -6: call_name is invalid.

template< class T>

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::set_value( Size parameter_index, const T& value) [inline]

Sets an argument. This method supports all atomic MDL types with the corresponding C-type as type of value (and int for mi::neuraylib::IValue_enum). Vectors and matrices are supported if value is of type mi::math::Vector and mi::math::Matrix, respectively. For arrays, see set_value( Size, const T*, Size). For components of compounds, see set_value( Size, Size, const T&) and set_value( Size, const char*, const T&).

It is not possible to set entire structs with a single call (in general there is no corresponding C++ class, and absence of introspection machinery). Struct fields need to be set one by one.

There is no support for inner-most components of multi-dimensional compounds (arrays of compounds or structs of compounds) -- this would require additional overloads accepting two or more component indices and/or field names.

If the current argument is a call expression, it will be replaced by a constant expression.

If a literal 0 is passed for parameter_index, the call is ambiguous. You need to explicitly cast the value to mi::Size.


The index of the argument in question.
The new value of the specified argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_index is out of range.
  • -4: The material instance or function call is immutable.
  • -5: The type of the argument does not match the template parameter T.

template< class T>

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::set_value( const char* parameter_name, const T& value) [inline]

Sets an argument. This method supports all atomic MDL types with the corresponding C-type as type of value (and int for mi::neuraylib::IValue_enum). Vectors and matrices are supported if value is of type mi::math::Vector and mi::math::Matrix, respectively. For arrays, see set_value( const char*, const T*, Size). For components of compounds, see set_value( const char*, Size, const T&) and set_value( const char*, const char*, const T&).

It is not possible to set entire structs with a single call (in general there is no corresponding C++ class, and absence of introspection machinery). Struct fields need to be set one by one.

There is no support for inner-most components of multi-dimensional compounds (arrays of compounds or structs of compounds) -- this would require additional overloads accepting two or more component indices and/or field names.

If the current argument is a call expression, it will be replaced by a constant expression.


The name of the argument in question.
The new value of the specified argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_name is invalid.
  • -4: The material instance or function call is immutable.
  • -5: The type of the argument does not match the template parameter T.

template< class T>

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::set_value( Size parameter_index, const T* value, Size n) [inline]

Sets an array argument (values of constants only, no calls). If the argument is a deferred-sized array, then its size is adjusted according to the parameter n. If the argument is an immediate-sized array, then its size needs to match the parameter n.

If a literal 0 is passed for parameter_index, the call is ambiguous. You need to explicitly cast the value to mi::Size.


The index of the argument in question.
The new value of the specified argument.
The size of the C array (needs to match the size of the argument identified by parameter_index in case of immediate-sized arrays).


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_index is out of range.
  • -4: The material instance or function call is immutable.
  • -5: The type of the argument does not match the template parameter T or the array size n.

template< class T>

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::set_value( const char* parameter_name, const T* value, Size n) [inline]

Sets an array argument (values of constants only, no calls). If the argument is a deferred-sized array, then its size is adjusted according to the parameter n. If the argument is an immediate-sized array, then its size needs to match the parameter n.


The name of the argument in question.
The new value of the specified argument.
The size of the C array (needs to match the size of the argument identified by parameter_index in case of immediate-sized arrays).


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_name is out of range.
  • -4: The material instance or function call is immutable.
  • -5: The type of the argument does not match the template parameter T or the array size n.

template< class T>

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::set_value( Size parameter_index, Size component_index, const T& value) [inline]

Sets a component of a compound argument. If the current argument is a call expression, it will be replaced by a constant expression.

This method does not change the size of deferred-sized arrays. You need to call explicitly mi::neuraylib::Argument_editor::set_array_size() for that.

If a literal 0 is passed for parameter_index, the call is ambiguous. You need to explicitly cast the value to mi::Size.


The index of the argument in question.
The index of the component in question.
The new value of the specified argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_index is out of range.
  • -3: component_index is out of range.
  • -4: The material instance or function call is immutable.
  • -5: The type of the argument does not match the template parameter T.

template< class T>

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::set_value( const char* parameter_name, Size component_index, const T& value) [inline]

Sets a component of a compound argument. If the current argument is a call expression, it will be replaced by a constant expression.

This method does not change the size of deferred-sized arrays. You need to call explicitly mi::neuraylib::Argument_editor::set_array_size() for that.


The name of the argument in question.
The index of the component in question.
The new value of the specified argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_name is invalid.
  • -3: component_index is out of range.
  • -4: The material instance or function call is immutable.
  • -5: The type of the argument does not match the template parameter T.

template< class T>

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::set_value( Size parameter_index, const char* field_name, const T& value) [inline]

Sets a field of a struct argument. If the current argument is a call expression, it will be replaced by a constant expression.

If a literal 0 is passed for parameter_index, the call is ambiguous. You need to explicitly cast the value to mi::Size.


The index of the argument in question.
The name of the struct_field in question.
The new value of the specified argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_index is out of range.
  • -3: field_name is invalid.
  • -4: The material instance or function call is immutable.
  • -5: The type of the argument does not match the template parameter T.

template< class T>

Sint32 mi::​neuraylib::​Argument_editor::set_value( const char* parameter_name, const char* field_name, const T& value) [inline]

Sets a field of a struct argument. If the current argument is a call expression, it will be replaced by a constant expression.


The name of the argument in question.
The name of the struct_field in question.
The new value of the specified argument.


  • 0: Success.
  • -1: is_valid() returns false.
  • -2: parameter_name is invalid.
  • -3: field_name is invalid.
  • -4: The material instance or function call is immutable.
  • -5: The type of the argument does not match the template parameter T.