neuray API Programmer's Manual

color.h File Reference


Standard RGBA color class with floating point elements and operations. See Color Class.

Code Example


 * Copyright 2024 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.


#include <mi/base/types.h>
#include <mi/math/assert.h>
#include <mi/math/function.h>
#include <mi/math/vector.h>

namespace mi {

namespace math {

// Color and Spectrum can be converted into each other. To avoid cyclic dependencies among the
// headers, the Spectrum_struct class is already defined here.

//------- POD struct that provides storage for spectrum elements --------

struct Spectrum_struct

//------ Color Class ---------------------------------------------------------

enum Clip_mode {

class Color : public Color_struct //-V690 PVS
    typedef Color_struct      
    typedef Color_struct      
    typedef Float32           
    typedef Size              
    typedef Difference        
    typedef Float32 *         pointer;          
    typedef const Float32 *   const_pointer;    
    typedef Float32 &         reference;        
    typedef const Float32 &   const_reference;  

    static const Size 
               SIZE      = 4;            

    static inline Size 
               size()     { return SIZE; }

    static inline Size 
               max_size() { return SIZE; }

    inline Float32*        begin()       { return &r; }

    inline const Float32*  begin() const { return &r; }

    inline Float32*        end()         { return begin() + SIZE; }

    inline const Float32*  end() const   { return begin() + SIZE; }

    inline Color()
#ifndef NDEBUG
        // In debug mode, default-constructed colors are initialized with signaling NaNs or, if not
        // applicable, with a maximum value to increase the chances of diagnosing incorrect use of
        // an uninitialized color.
        typedef mi::base::numeric_traits< Float32> Traits;
        Float32 v = (Traits::has_signaling_NaN)
            ? Traits::signaling_NaN() : Traits::max MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND ();
        r = v;
        g = v;
        b = v;
        a = v;

#if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
    Color( const Color& c) = default;

    inline Color( const Color_struct& c)
        r = c.r;
        g = c.g;
        b = c.b;
        a = c.a;

    inline explicit Color( const Float32 s)
        r = s;
        g = s;
        b = s;
        a = s;

    inline Color( Float32 nr, Float32 ng, Float32 nb, Float32 na = 1.0)
        r = nr;
        g = ng;
        b = nb;
        a = na;

    template <typename T>
    inline explicit Color( T array[4])
        r = array[0];
        g = array[1];
        b = array[2];
        a = array[3];

    inline explicit Color( const Vector< Float32, 4>& v)
        r = v.x;
        g = v.y;
        b = v.z;
        a = v.w;

    inline explicit Color( const Spectrum_struct& s)
        r = s.c[0];
        g = s.c[1];
        b = s.c[2];
        a = 1.0f;

    inline Color& operator=( const Color& c)
        Color_struct::operator=( c);
        return *this;

    inline Color& operator=( const Vector< Float32, 4>& v)
        r = v.x;
        g = v.y;
        b = v.z;
        a = v.w;
        return *this;

    inline const Float32& operator[]( Size i) const
        mi_math_assert_msg( i < 4, "precondition");
        return (&r)[i];

    inline Float32& operator[]( Size i)
        mi_math_assert_msg( i < 4, "precondition");
        return (&r)[i];

    inline Float32 get( Size i) const
        mi_math_assert_msg( i < 4, "precondition");
        return (&r)[i];

    inline void set( Size i, Float32 value)
        mi_math_assert_msg( i < 4, "precondition");
       (&r)[i] = value;

    inline bool is_black() const
        return (r == 0.0f) && (g == 0.0f) && (b == 0.0f);

    inline Float32 
               linear_intensity() const
        return (r + g + b) * Float32(1.0 / 3.0);

    inline Float32 
               ntsc_intensity() const
        return r * 0.299f + g * 0.587f + b * 0.114f;

    inline Float32 
               cie_intensity() const
        return r * 0.212671f + g * 0.715160f + b * 0.072169f;

    inline Color 
               clip( Clip_mode mode = CLIP_RGB, bool desaturate = false) const;

    inline Color 
               desaturate( Float32 maxval = 1.0f) const;

//------ Free comparison operators ==, !=, <, <=, >, >= for colors  ------------

inline bool  operator==( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
    return is_equal( lhs, rhs);

inline bool  operator!=( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
    return is_not_equal( lhs, rhs);

inline bool operator< ( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
    return lexicographically_less( lhs, rhs);

inline bool operator< =( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
    return lexicographically_less_or_equal( lhs, rhs);

inline bool operator>( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
    return lexicographically_greater( lhs, rhs);

inline bool operator>=( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
    return lexicographically_greater_or_equal( lhs, rhs);

//------ Free operators +=, -=, *=, /=, +, -, *, and / for colors --------------

inline Color& operator+=( Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
    lhs.r += rhs.r;
    lhs.g += rhs.g;
    lhs.b += rhs.b;
    lhs.a += rhs.a;
    return lhs;

inline Color& operator-=( Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
    lhs.r -= rhs.r;
    lhs.g -= rhs.g;
    lhs.b -= rhs.b;
    lhs.a -= rhs.a;
    return lhs;

inline Color& operator*=( Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
    lhs.r *= rhs.r;
    lhs.g *= rhs.g;
    lhs.b *= rhs.b;
    lhs.a *= rhs.a;
    return lhs;

inline Color& operator/=( Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
    lhs.r /= rhs.r;
    lhs.g /= rhs.g;
    lhs.b /= rhs.b;
    lhs.a /= rhs.a;
    return lhs;

inline Color 
               operator+( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
    return Color( lhs.r + rhs.r, lhs.g + rhs.g, lhs.b + rhs.b, lhs.a + rhs.a);

inline Color 
               operator-( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
    return Color( lhs.r - rhs.r, lhs.g - rhs.g, lhs.b - rhs.b, lhs.a - rhs.a);

inline Color 
               operator*( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
    return Color( lhs.r * rhs.r, lhs.g * rhs.g, lhs.b * rhs.b, lhs.a * rhs.a);

inline Color 
               operator/( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
    return Color( lhs.r / rhs.r, lhs.g / rhs.g, lhs.b / rhs.b, lhs.a / rhs.a);

inline Color 
               operator-( const Color& c)
    return Color( -c.r, -c.g, -c.b, -c.a);

//------ Free operator *=, /=, *, and / definitions for scalars ---------------

inline Color& operator*=( Color& c, Float32 s)
    c.r *= s;
    c.g *= s;
    c.b *= s;
    c.a *= s;
    return c;

inline Color& operator/=( Color& c, Float32 s)
    const Float32 f = 1.0f / s;
    c.r *= f;
    c.g *= f;
    c.b *= f;
    c.a *= f;
    return c;

inline Color 
               operator*( const Color& c, Float32 s)
    return Color( c.r * s, c.g * s, c.b * s, c.a * s);

inline Color 
               operator*( Float32 s, const Color& c)
    return Color( s * c.r, s * c.g, s* c.b, s * c.a);

inline Color 
               operator/( const Color& c, Float32 s)
    const Float32 f = 1.0f / s;
    return Color( c.r * f, c.g * f, c.b * f, c.a * f);

//------ Function Overloads for Color Algorithms ------------------------------

inline Color 
               abs( const Color& c)
    return Color( abs( c.r), abs( c.g), abs( c.b), abs( c.a));

inline Color 
               acos( const Color& c)
    return Color( acos( c.r), acos( c.g), acos( c.b), acos( c.a));

inline bool all( const Color& c)
    return (c.r != 0.0f) && (c.g != 0.0f) && (c.b != 0.0f) && (c.a != 0.0f);

inline bool any( const Color& c)
    return (c.r != 0.0f) || (c.g != 0.0f) || (c.b != 0.0f) || (c.a != 0.0f);

inline Color 
               asin( const Color& c)
    return Color( asin( c.r), asin( c.g), asin( c.b), asin( c.a));

inline Color 
               atan( const Color& c)
    return Color( atan( c.r), atan( c.g), atan( c.b), atan( c.a));

inline Color 
               atan2( const Color& c, const Color& d)
    return Color( atan2( c.r, d.r), atan2( c.g, d.g), atan2( c.b, d.b), atan2( c.a, d.a));

inline Color 
               ceil( const Color& c)
    return Color( ceil( c.r), ceil( c.g), ceil( c.b), ceil( c.a));

inline Color 
               clamp( const Color& c, const Color& low, const Color& high)
    return Color( clamp( c.r, low.r, high.r),
                  clamp( c.g, low.g, high.g),
                  clamp( c.b, low.b, high.b),
                  clamp( c.a, low.a, high.a));

inline Color 
               clamp( const Color& c, const Color& low, Float32 high)
    return Color( clamp( c.r, low.r, high),
                  clamp( c.g, low.g, high),
                  clamp( c.b, low.b, high),
                  clamp( c.a, low.a, high));

inline Color 
               clamp( const Color& c, Float32 low, const Color& high)
    return Color( clamp( c.r, low, high.r),
                  clamp( c.g, low, high.g),
                  clamp( c.b, low, high.b),
                  clamp( c.a, low, high.a));

inline Color 
               clamp( const Color& c, Float32 low, Float32 high)
    return Color( clamp( c.r, low, high),
                  clamp( c.g, low, high),
                  clamp( c.b, low, high),
                  clamp( c.a, low, high));

inline Color 
               cos( const Color& c)
    return Color( cos( c.r), cos( c.g), cos( c.b), cos( c.a));

inline Color 
               degrees( const Color& c)
    return Color( degrees( c.r), degrees( c.g), degrees( c.b), degrees( c.a));

inline Color 
               elementwise_max( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
    return Color( base::max MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND ( lhs.r, rhs.r),
                  base::max MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND ( lhs.g, rhs.g),
                  base::max MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND ( lhs.b, rhs.b),
                  base::max MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND ( lhs.a, rhs.a));

inline Color 
               elementwise_min( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
    return Color( base::min MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND ( lhs.r, rhs.r),
                  base::min MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND ( lhs.g, rhs.g),
                  base::min MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND ( lhs.b, rhs.b),
                  base::min MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND ( lhs.a, rhs.a));

inline Color 
               exp( const Color& c)
    return Color( exp( c.r), exp( c.g), exp( c.b), exp( c.a));

inline Color 
               exp2( const Color& c)
    return Color( exp2( c.r), exp2( c.g), exp2( c.b), exp2( c.a));

inline Color 
               floor( const Color& c)
    return Color( floor( c.r), floor( c.g), floor( c.b), floor( c.a));

inline Color 
               fmod( const Color& a, const Color& b)
    return Color( fmod( a.r, b.r), fmod( a.g, b.g), fmod( a.b, b.b), fmod( a.a, b.a));

inline Color 
               fmod( const Color& a, Float32 b)
    return Color( fmod( a.r, b), fmod( a.g, b), fmod( a.b, b), fmod( a.a, b));

inline Color 
               frac( const Color& c)
    return Color( frac( c.r), frac( c.g), frac( c.b), frac( c.a));

inline Color 
    const Color& color,     
    Float32 gamma_factor)   
    mi_math_assert( gamma_factor > 0);
    const Float32 f = Float32(1.0) / gamma_factor;
    return Color( fast_pow( color.r, f),
                  fast_pow( color.g, f),
                  fast_pow( color.b, f),
                  fast_pow( color.a, f));

inline bool is_approx_equal(
    const Color& lhs,
    const Color& rhs,
    Float32      e)
    return is_approx_equal( lhs.r, rhs.r, e)
        && is_approx_equal( lhs.g, rhs.g, e)
        && is_approx_equal( lhs.b, rhs.b, e)
        && is_approx_equal( lhs.a, rhs.a, e);

inline Color 
    const Color& c1,  
    const Color& c2,  
    const Color& t)   
    return Color( lerp( c1.r, c2.r, t.r),
                  lerp( c1.g, c2.g, t.g),
                  lerp( c1.b, c2.b, t.b),
                  lerp( c1.a, c2.a, t.a));

inline Color 
    const Color& c1,  
    const Color& c2,  
    Float32      t)   
    // equivalent to: return c1 * (Float32(1)-t) + c2 * t;
    return Color( lerp( c1.r, c2.r, t),
                  lerp( c1.g, c2.g, t),
                  lerp( c1.b, c2.b, t),
                  lerp( c1.a, c2.a, t));

inline Color 
               log( const Color& c)
    return Color( log( c.r), log( c.g), log( c.b), log( c.a));

inline Color 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND ( const Color& c)
    return Color( log2 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (c.r),
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (c.g),
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (c.b),
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (c.a));

inline Color 
               log10( const Color& c)
    return Color( log10( c.r), log10( c.g), log10( c.b), log10( c.a));

inline Color 
               modf( const Color& c, Color& i)
    return Color( modf( c.r, i.r), modf( c.g, i.g), modf( c.b, i.b), modf( c.a, i.a));

inline Color 
               pow( const Color& a,  const Color& b)
    return Color( pow( a.r, b.r), pow( a.g, b.g), pow( a.b, b.b), pow( a.a, b.a));

inline Color 
               pow( const Color& a,  Float32 b)
    return Color( pow( a.r, b), pow( a.g, b), pow( a.b, b), pow( a.a, b));

inline Color 
               radians( const Color& c)
    return Color( radians( c.r), radians( c.g), radians( c.b), radians( c.a));

inline Color 
               round( const Color& c)
    return Color( round( c.r), round( c.g), round( c.b), round( c.a));

inline Color 
               rsqrt( const Color& c)
    return Color( rsqrt( c.r), rsqrt( c.g), rsqrt( c.b), rsqrt( c.a));

inline Color 
               saturate( const Color& c)
    return Color( saturate( c.r), saturate( c.g), saturate( c.b), saturate( c.a));

inline Color 
               sign( const Color& c)
    return Color( sign( c.r), sign( c.g), sign( c.b), sign( c.a));

inline Color 
               sin( const Color& c)
    return Color( sin( c.r), sin( c.g), sin( c.b), sin( c.a));

inline void sincos( const Color& a, Color& s, Color& c)
    sincos( a.r, s.r, c.r);
    sincos( a.g, s.g, c.g);
    sincos( a.b, s.b, c.b);
    sincos( a.a, s.a, c.a);

inline Color 
               smoothstep( const Color& a, const Color& b, const Color& c)
    return Color( smoothstep( a.r, b.r, c.r),
                  smoothstep( a.g, b.g, c.g),
                  smoothstep( a.b, b.b, c.b),
                  smoothstep( a.a, b.a, c.a));

inline Color 
               smoothstep( const Color& a, const Color& b, Float32 x)
    return Color( smoothstep( a.r, b.r, x),
                  smoothstep( a.g, b.g, x),
                  smoothstep( a.b, b.b, x),
                  smoothstep( a.a, b.a, x));

inline Color 
               sqrt( const Color& c)
    return Color( sqrt( c.r), sqrt( c.g), sqrt( c.b), sqrt( c.a));

inline Color 
               step( const Color& a, const Color& c)
    return Color( step( a.r, c.r), step( a.g, c.g), step( a.g, c.b), step( a.a, c.a));

inline Color 
               tan( const Color& c)
    return Color( tan( c.r), tan( c.g), tan( c.b), tan( c.a));

inline bool isfinite 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (const Color& c)
    return isfinite 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (c.r)
        && isfinite 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (c.g)
        && isfinite 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (c.b)
        && isfinite 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (c.a);

inline bool isinfinite 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (const Color& c)
    return isinfinite 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (c.r)
        || isinfinite 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (c.g)
        || isinfinite 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (c.b)
        || isinfinite 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (c.a);

inline bool isnan 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (const Color& c)
    return isnan 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (c.r)
        || isnan 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (c.g)
        || isnan 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (c.b)
        || isnan 
               MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (c.a);

MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void to_rgbe( const Color& color, Uint32& rgbe)
    to_rgbe( &color.r, rgbe);

MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void to_rgbe( const Color& color, Uint8 rgbe[4])
    to_rgbe( &color.r, rgbe);

MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void from_rgbe( const Uint8 rgbe[4], Color& color)
    from_rgbe( rgbe, &color.r);
    color.a = 1.0f;

MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void from_rgbe( const Uint32 rgbe, Color& color)
    from_rgbe( rgbe, &color.r);
    color.a = 1.0f;

//------ Definitions of member functions --------------------------------------


inline Color 
    Clip_mode  mode,
    bool       desaturate) const
    Float32 max_val = 1.0f;
    Color col = *this;
    if( col.a < 0.0f)
        col.a = 0.0f;
    if( mode == CLIP_RGB) {
        if( col.a < col.r)  col.a = col.r;
        if( col.a < col.g)  col.a = col.g;
        if( col.a < col.b)  col.a = col.b;
    if( col.a > 1.0f)
        col.a = 1.0f;
    if( mode == CLIP_ALPHA)
        max_val = col.a;
    if( desaturate)
        return col.desaturate(max_val);
    return Color( math::clamp( col.r, 0.0f, max_val),
                  math::clamp( col.g, 0.0f, max_val),
                  math::clamp( col.b, 0.0f, max_val),

inline Color 
               Color::desaturate( Float32 maxval) const
    // We compute a new color based on s with the vector formula c(s) = (N + s(I-N)) c0 where N is
    // the 3 by 3 matrix with the [1,3] vector b with the NTSC values as its rows, and c0 is the
    // original color. All c(s) have the same brightness, b*c0, as the original color. It can be
    // algebraically shown that the hue of the c(s) is the same as for c0. Hue can be expressed with
    // the formula h(c) = (I-A)c, where A is a 3 by 3 matrix with all 1/3 values. Essentially,
    // h(c(s)) == h(c0), since A*N == N

    Float32 t; // temp for saturation calc

    Float32 axis = ntsc_intensity();
    if( axis < 0) // negative: black, exit.
        return Color( 0, 0, 0, a);
    if( axis > maxval) // too bright: all white, exit.
        return Color( maxval, maxval, maxval, a);

    Float32 drds = r - axis;                // calculate color axis and
    Float32 dgds = g - axis;                // dcol/dsat. sat==1 at the
    Float32 dbds = b - axis;                // outset.

    Float32 sat = 1.0f;                     // initial saturation
    bool  clip = false;                     // outside range, desaturate

    if( r > maxval) {                       // red > maxval?
        clip = true;
        t = (maxval - axis) / drds;
        if( t < sat) sat = t;
    } else if( r < 0) {                     // red < 0?
        clip = true;
        t = -axis / drds;
        if( t < sat) sat = t;
    if( g > maxval) {                       // green > maxval?
        clip = true;
        t = (maxval - axis) / dgds;
        if( t < sat) sat = t;
    } else if( g < 0) {                     // green < 0?
        clip = true;
        t = -axis / dgds;
        if( t < sat) sat = t;
    if( b > maxval) {                       // blue > maxval?
        clip = true;
        t = (maxval - axis) / dbds;
        if( t < sat) sat = t;
    } else if( b < 0) {                     // blue < 0?
        clip = true;
        t = -axis / dbds;
        if( t < sat) sat = t;
    if( clip) {
        // negative solutions should not be possible
        mi_math_assert( sat >= 0);
        // clamp to avoid numerical imprecision
        return Color( math::clamp( axis + drds * sat, 0.0f, maxval),
                      math::clamp( axis + dgds * sat, 0.0f, maxval),
                      math::clamp( axis + dbds * sat, 0.0f, maxval),
    mi_math_assert( r >= 0 && r <= maxval);
    mi_math_assert( g >= 0 && g <= maxval);
    mi_math_assert( b >= 0 && b <= maxval);
    return *this;

 // end group mi_math_color

} // namespace math

} // namespace mi

#endif // MI_MATH_COLOR_H


Common namespace for APIs of NVIDIA Advanced Rendering Center GmbH. More...
Namespace for the Math API. More...


Standard RGBA color class with floating point elements and operations. More...
Generic storage class template for a Spectrum representation storing three floating point elements. More...


Supported clipping modes. More...


Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns a color with the elementwise absolute values of the color c. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns a color with the elementwise arc cosine of the color c. More...
bool   ( const Color& c)
Returns true if all elements of c are not equal to zero. More...
bool   ( const Color& c)
Returns true if any element of c is not equal to zero. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns a color with the elementwise arc sine of the color c. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns a color with the elementwise arc tangent of the color c. More...
Color  ( const Color& c, const Color& d)
Returns a color with the elementwise arc tangent of the color c / d. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns a color with the elementwise smallest integral value that is not less than the element in color c. More...
Color  ( const Color& c, const Color& low, const Color& high)
Returns the color c elementwise clamped to the range [low, high]. More...
Color  ( const Color& c, const Color& low, Float32 high)
Returns the color c elementwise clamped to the range [low, high]. More...
Color  ( const Color& c, Float32 low, const Color& high)
Returns the color c elementwise clamped to the range [low, high]. More...
Color  ( const Color& c, Float32 low, Float32 high)
Returns the color c elementwise clamped to the range [low, high]. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns a color with the elementwise cosine of the color c. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Converts elementwise radians in c to degrees. More...
Color  ( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
Returns elementwise max for each element in color lhs that is less than the corresponding element in color rhs. More...
Color  ( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
Returns elementwise min for each element in color lhs that is less than the corresponding element in color rhs. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns a color with elementwise e to the power of the element in the color c. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns a color with elementwise 2 to the power of the element in the color c. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns a color with the elementwise largest integral value that is not greater than the element in color c. More...
Color  ( const Color& a, const Color& b)
Returns elementwise a modulo b, in other words, the remainder of a/b. More...
Color  ( const Color& a, Float32 b)
Returns elementwise a modulo b, in other words, the remainder of a/b. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns a color with the elementwise positive fractional part of the color c. More...
MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void  ( const Uint8 rgbe[4], Color& color)
Decodes a color from RGBE representation. More...
MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void  ( const Uint32 rgbe, Color& color)
Decodes a color from RGBE representation. More...
Color  ( const Color& color, Float32 gamma_factor)
Returns a gamma corrected color. More...
bool   ( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs, Float32 e)
Compares the two given values elementwise for equality within the given epsilon. More...
bool   ( const Color& c)
Indicates whether all components of the color are finite. More...
bool   ( const Color& c)
Indicates whether any component of the color is infinite. More...
bool   ( const Color& c)
Indicates whether any component of the color is "not a number". More...
Color  ( const Color& c1, const Color& c2, const Color& t)
Returns the elementwise linear interpolation between c1 and c2, i.e., it returns (1-t) * c1 + t * c2. More...
Color  ( const Color& c1, const Color& c2, Float32 t)
Returns the linear interpolation between c1 and c2, i.e., it returns (1-t) * c1 + t * c2. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns a color with elementwise natural logarithm of the color c. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns a color with elementwise base 10 logarithm of the color c. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns a color with elementwise base 2 logarithm of the color c. More...
Color  ( const Color& c, Color& i)
Returns the elementwise fractional part of c and stores the elementwise integral part of c in i. More...
bool   ( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
Returns true if lhs is elementwise not equal to rhs. More...
Color  ( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
Multiplies rhs elementwise with lhs and returns the new result. More...
Color  ( const Color& c, Float32 s)
Multiplies the color c elementwise with the scalar s and returns the new result. More...
Color  ( Float32 s, const Color& c)
Multiplies the color c elementwise with the scalar s and returns the new result. More...
Color&  ( Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
Multiplies rhs elementwise with lhs and returns the modified lhs. More...
Color&  ( Color& c, Float32 s)
Multiplies the color c elementwise with the scalar s and returns the modified color c. More...
Color  ( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
Adds lhs and rhs elementwise and returns the new result. More...
Color&  ( Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
Adds rhs elementwise to lhs and returns the modified lhs. More...
Color  ( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
Subtracts rhs elementwise from lhs and returns the new result. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Negates the color c elementwise and returns the new result. More...
Color&  ( Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
Subtracts rhs elementwise from lhs and returns the modified lhs. More...
Color  ( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
Divides rhs elementwise by lhs and returns the new result. More...
Color  ( const Color& c, Float32 s)
Divides the color c elementwise by the scalar s and returns the new result. More...
Color&  ( Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
Divides lhs elementwise by rhs and returns the modified lhs. More...
Color&  ( Color& c, Float32 s)
Divides the color c elementwise by the scalar s and returns the modified color c. More...
bool   ( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
Returns true if lhs is lexicographically less than rhs. More...
bool   ( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
Returns true if lhs is lexicographically less than or equal to rhs. More...
bool   ( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
Returns true if lhs is elementwise equal to rhs. More...
bool   ( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
Returns true if lhs is lexicographically greater than rhs. More...
bool   ( const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs)
Returns true if lhs is lexicographically greater than or equal to rhs. More...
Color  ( const Color& a, const Color& b)
Returns the color a elementwise to the power of b. More...
Color  ( const Color& a, Float32 b)
Returns the color a elementwise to the power of b. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Converts elementwise degrees in c to radians. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns a color with the elements of color c rounded to nearest integers. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns the reciprocal of the square root of each element of c. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns the color c clamped elementwise to the range [0,1]. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns the elementwise sign of color c. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns a color with the elementwise sine of the color c. More...
void  ( const Color& a, Color& s, Color& c)
Computes elementwise the sine s and cosine c of angles a simultaneously. More...
Color  ( const Color& a, const Color& b, const Color& c)
Returns 0 if c is less than a and 1 if c is greater than b in an elementwise fashion. More...
Color  ( const Color& a, const Color& b, Float32 x)
Returns 0 if c is less than a and 1 if c is greater than b in an elementwise fashion. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns the square root of each element of c. More...
Color  ( const Color& a, const Color& c)
Returns elementwise 0 if c is less than a and 1 otherwise. More...
Color  ( const Color& c)
Returns a color with the elementwise tangent of the color c. More...
MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void  ( const Color& color, Uint32& rgbe)
Encodes a color into RGBE representation. More...
MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void  ( const Color& color, Uint8 rgbe[4])
Encodes a color into RGBE representation. More...