bbox.h File Reference
An axis-aligned N-dimensional bounding box class template of fixed dimension with supporting functions. See Bounding Box Class.
Code Example
* Copyright 2024 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
#ifndef MI_MATH_BBOX_H
#define MI_MATH_BBOX_H
#include <mi/base/types.h>
#include <mi/math/assert.h>
#include <mi/math/function.h>
#include <mi/math/vector.h>
#include <mi/math/matrix.h>
namespace mi {
namespace math {
//------- POD struct that provides storage for bbox elements ----------
template <typename T, Size DIM>
struct Bbox_struct
Vector_struct< T, DIM>
Vector_struct< T, DIM>
template <typename T, Size DIM>
class Bbox //-V690 PVS
typedef math::Vector< T, DIM>
typedef Bbox_struct< T, DIM>
typedef Vector
typedef Size
typedef Difference
typedef Vector * pointer;
typedef const Vector * const_pointer;
typedef Vector & reference;
typedef const Vector & const_reference;
static const Size
static const Size
SIZE = 2;
static inline Size
size() { return SIZE; }
static inline Size
max_size() { return SIZE; }
enum Uninitialized_tag {
inline void clear()
for( Size i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
min[i] = base::numeric_traits< T>::max
max[i] = base::numeric_traits< T>::negative_max();
inline Bbox() { clear(); }
inline explicit Bbox( Uninitialized_tag) { }
#if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
Bbox( const Bbox<T,DIM>& other ) = default;
inline Bbox( const Bbox_struct< T, DIM>& bbox_struct )
min = bbox_struct.min;
max = bbox_struct.max;
inline explicit Bbox(
const Vector& point) : min(point), max(point)
inline Bbox(
const Vector& nmin,
const Vector& nmax)
: min( nmin), max( nmax)
inline Bbox(
T min_x,
T max_x)
mi_static_assert(DIM == 1);
min = Vector( min_x);
max = Vector( max_x);
inline Bbox(
T min_x,
T min_y,
T max_x,
T max_y)
mi_static_assert(DIM == 2);
min = Vector( min_x, min_y);
max = Vector( max_x, max_y);
inline Bbox(
T min_x,
T min_y,
T min_z,
T max_x,
T max_y,
T max_z)
mi_static_assert(DIM == 3);
min = Vector( min_x, min_y, min_z);
max = Vector( max_x, max_y, max_z);
template <typename InputIterator>
InputIterator first,
InputIterator last);
template <typename T2>
inline explicit Bbox( const Bbox< T2, DIM>& other)
min = Vector( other.min);
max = Vector( other.max);
template <typename T2>
inline explicit Bbox( const Bbox_struct< T2, DIM>& other)
min = Vector( other.min);
max = Vector( other.max);
inline Bbox& operator=( const Bbox& other)
min = other.min;
max = other.max;
return *this;
inline Bbox& operator=( const Bbox_struct< T, DIM>& other)
min = other.min;
max = other.max;
return *this;
inline operator Bbox_struct< T, DIM>() const
Bbox_struct< T, DIM> result;
result.min = min;
result.max = max;
return result;
inline Vector* begin() { return &min; }
inline const Vector* begin() const { return &min; }
inline Vector* end() { return begin() + SIZE; }
inline const Vector* end() const { return begin() + SIZE; }
inline Vector& operator[]( Size i)
mi_math_assert_msg( i < SIZE, "precondition");
return begin()[i];
inline const Vector& operator[]( Size i) const
mi_math_assert_msg( i < SIZE, "precondition");
return begin()[i];
inline bool empty() const
for( Size i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
if( min[i] != base::numeric_traits< T>::max
return false;
if( max[i] != base::numeric_traits< T>::negative_max())
return false;
return true;
inline Size
rank() const
rank = 0;
for( Size i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
rank += (min[i] < max[i]);
return rank;
inline bool is_point() const { return min == max; }
inline bool is_line() const { return rank() == 1u; }
inline bool is_plane() const { return rank() == 2u; }
inline bool is_volume() const { return rank() == 3u; }
inline bool contains( const Vector& vec) const
for( Size i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
if( vec[i] < min[i] || vec[i] > max[i])
return false;
return true;
inline bool intersects( const Bbox& other) const
for( Size i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
if( min[i] > (other.max)[i] || max[i] < (other.min)[i])
return false;
return true;
inline void insert( const Bbox& other)
min = elementwise_min( min, (other.min));
max = elementwise_max( max, (other.max));
inline void insert( const Vector& point)
min = elementwise_min( min, point);
max = elementwise_max( max, point);
template <typename InputIterator>
void insert(
InputIterator first,
InputIterator last);
inline Bbox
const Bbox& vbox,
T t) const
mi_math_assert_msg( ! empty(), "precondition");
mi_math_assert_msg( ! vbox.empty(), "precondition");
return t < 0 ? Bbox(min + (vbox.max) * t, max + (vbox.min) * t) //-V547 PVS
: Bbox(min + (vbox.min) * t, max + (vbox.max) * t);
inline void push_back( const Bbox& other)
return insert( other);
void robust_grow( T eps = T(1.0e-5f));
inline T volume() const
Vector diag = max - min;
T vol = base::max MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND ( T(0), diag[0]);
for( Size i = 1; i < DIM; i++) //-V1008 PVS
vol *= base::max MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND ( T(0), diag[i]);
return vol;
inline T diagonal_length() const
mi_math_assert_msg( !empty(), "precondition");
Vector diag = max - min;
return length( diag);
inline Size
largest_extent_index() const
Vector diag = max - min;
T maxval = diag[0];
Size maxidx = 0;
for( Size i = 1; i < DIM; i++) { //-V1008 PVS
if (maxval < diag[i]) {
maxval = diag[i];
maxidx = i;
return maxidx;
inline Vector
center() const { return Vector((max + min) * 0.5);}
inline Vector
extent() const { return max - min; }
//------ Operator declarations for Bbox ---------------------------------------
template <typename T, Size DIM>
inline Bbox< T, DIM>
operator+( const Bbox< T, DIM>& bbox, T value)
mi_math_assert_msg( !bbox.empty(), "precondition");
Bbox< T, DIM> result( Bbox< T, DIM>::UNINITIALIZED_TAG);
for( Size i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
(result.min)[i] = (bbox.min)[i] - value;
(result.max)[i] = (bbox.max)[i] + value;
return result;
template <typename T, Size DIM>
inline Bbox< T, DIM>
operator-( const Bbox< T, DIM>& bbox, T value)
mi_math_assert_msg( !bbox.empty(), "precondition");
Bbox< T, DIM> result( Bbox< T, DIM>::UNINITIALIZED_TAG);
for( Size i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
(result.min)[i] = (bbox.min)[i] + value;
(result.max)[i] = (bbox.max)[i] - value;
return result;
template <typename T, Size DIM>
inline Bbox< T, DIM>
operator*( const Bbox< T, DIM>& bbox, T factor)
mi_math_assert_msg( !bbox.empty(), "precondition");
Bbox< T, DIM> result( Bbox< T, DIM>::UNINITIALIZED_TAG);
for( Size i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
(result.min)[i] = (bbox.min)[i] * factor;
(result.max)[i] = (bbox.max)[i] * factor;
return result;
template <typename T, Size DIM>
inline Bbox< T, DIM>
operator/( const Bbox< T, DIM>& bbox, T divisor)
mi_math_assert_msg( !bbox.empty(), "precondition");
mi_math_assert_msg( divisor != T(0), "precondition");
Bbox< T, DIM> result( Bbox< T, DIM>::UNINITIALIZED_TAG);
for( Size i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
(result.min)[i] = (bbox.min)[i] / divisor;
(result.max)[i] = (bbox.max)[i] / divisor;
return result;
template <typename T, Size DIM>
inline Bbox< T, DIM>& operator+=( Bbox< T, DIM>& bbox, T value)
mi_math_assert_msg( !bbox.empty(), "precondition");
for( Size i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
(bbox.min)[i] -= value;
(bbox.max)[i] += value;
return bbox;
template <typename T, Size DIM>
inline Bbox< T, DIM>& operator-=( Bbox< T, DIM>& bbox, T value)
mi_math_assert_msg( !bbox.empty(), "precondition");
for( Size i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
(bbox.min)[i] += value;
(bbox.max)[i] -= value;
return bbox;
template <typename T, Size DIM>
inline Bbox< T, DIM>& operator*=( Bbox< T, DIM>& bbox, T factor)
mi_math_assert_msg( !bbox.empty(), "precondition");
for( Size i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
(bbox.min)[i] *= factor;
(bbox.max)[i] *= factor;
return bbox;
template <typename T, Size DIM>
inline Bbox< T, DIM>& operator/=( Bbox< T, DIM>& bbox, T divisor)
mi_math_assert_msg( !bbox.empty(), "precondition");
mi_math_assert_msg( divisor != T(0), "precondition");
for( Size i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
(bbox.min)[i] /= divisor;
(bbox.max)[i] /= divisor;
return bbox;
template <typename T, Size DIM>
inline bool operator==(const Bbox< T, DIM>& lhs, const Bbox< T, DIM>& rhs)
return (lhs.min) == (rhs.min) && (lhs.max) == (rhs.max);
template <typename T, Size DIM>
inline bool operator!=(const Bbox< T, DIM>& lhs, const Bbox< T, DIM>& rhs)
return (lhs.min) != (rhs.min) || (lhs.max) != (rhs.max);
template <typename T, Size DIM>
inline bool operator< ( const Bbox<T,DIM> & lhs, const Bbox< T, DIM> & rhs)
for( Size i(0u); i < DIM; ++i) {
if( (lhs.min)[i] < (rhs.min)[i])
return true;
if( (lhs.min)[i] > (rhs.min)[i])
return false;
return lexicographically_less( lhs.max, rhs.max);
template <typename T, Size DIM>
inline bool operator<=( const Bbox<T,DIM>& lhs, const Bbox< T, DIM>& rhs)
for( Size i(0u); i < DIM; ++i) {
if( (lhs.min)[i] < (rhs.min)[i])
return true;
if( (lhs.min)[i] > (rhs.min)[i])
return false;
return lexicographically_less_or_equal( lhs.max, rhs.max);
template <typename T, Size DIM>
inline bool operator>( const Bbox< T, DIM> & lhs, const Bbox< T, DIM> & rhs)
for( Size i(0u); i < DIM; ++i) {
if( (lhs.min)[i] > (rhs.min)[i])
return true;
if( (lhs.min)[i] < (rhs.min)[i])
return false;
return lexicographically_greater( lhs.max, rhs.max);
template <typename T, Size DIM>
inline bool operator>=( const Bbox< T, DIM>& lhs, const Bbox< T, DIM>& rhs)
for( Size i(0u); i < DIM; ++i) {
if( (lhs.min)[i] > (rhs.min)[i])
return true;
if( (lhs.min)[i] < (rhs.min)[i])
return false;
return lexicographically_greater_or_equal( lhs.max, rhs.max);
//------ Free Functions for Bbox ----------------------------------------------
template <typename T, Size DIM>
inline Bbox< T, DIM>
const Bbox< T, DIM> &bbox1,
const Bbox< T, DIM> &bbox2,
T t)
mi_math_assert_msg( !bbox1.empty(), "precondition");
mi_math_assert_msg( !bbox2.empty(), "precondition");
T t2 = T(1) - t;
return Bbox< T, DIM>( (bbox1.min)*t2 + (bbox2.min)*t, (bbox1.max)*t2 + (bbox2.max)*t);
template <typename T, Size DIM>
inline Bbox< T, DIM>
const Bbox< T, DIM> &bbox1,
const Bbox< T, DIM> &bbox2)
Bbox< T, DIM> result( Bbox< T, DIM>::UNINITIALIZED_TAG);
for( Size i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
result.min[i] = base::max MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (bbox1.min[i], bbox2.min[i]);
result.max[i] = base::min MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (bbox1.max[i], bbox2.max[i]);
if (result.max[i] < result.min[i]) { // the bbox is empty
return result;
return result;
template <typename TT, typename T>
Bbox<T,3> transform_point( const Matrix<TT,4,4>& mat, const Bbox<T,3>& bbox);
template <typename TT, typename T>
Bbox<T,3> transform_vector( const Matrix<TT,4,4>& mat, const Bbox<T,3>& bbox);
//------ Definitions of non-inline function -----------------------------------
template <typename T, Size DIM>
template <typename InputIterator>
void Bbox< T, DIM>::insert( InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
for( ; first != last; ++first)
insert( *first);
template <typename T, Size DIM>
template <typename InputIterator>
Bbox<T,DIM>::Bbox( InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
insert( first, last);
template <typename T, Size DIM>
void Bbox<T, DIM>::robust_grow( T eps)
// Just enlarging the bounding box by epsilon * (largest box extent) is not sufficient, since
// there may be cancellation errors if the box is far away from the origin. Hence we take into
// account the distance of the box from the origin: the further the box is away, the larger we
// have to make it. We just add the two contributions. If we are very far away, then distance
// will dominate. For very large boxes, the extent will dominate. We neglect exact weight
// factors. We are just a bit less generous with the epsilon to compensate for the extra stuff
// we added. If we have objects that in some direction are several orders of magnitude larger
// than in the others, this method will not be perfect.
// compute size heuristic for each dimension
Vector dist;
for( Size i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
dist[i] = base::abs(min[i]) + base::abs(max[i])
+ base::abs(max[i] - min[i]);
// compute the grow factor
T max_dist = T(0);
for( Size i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
max_dist = base::max MI_PREVENT_MACRO_EXPAND (max_dist, dist[i]);
const T margin = max_dist * eps;
// grow the bounding box
*this += margin;
template <typename TT, typename T>
Bbox< T, 3>
transform_point( const Matrix< TT, 4, 4>& mat, const Bbox< T, 3>& bbox)
if( bbox.empty())
return bbox;
// Transforms all eight corner points, and finds then the bounding box of these eight points.
// The corners are computed in an optimized manner which factorizes computations.
// The transformation is decomposed into the transformation of (min,1) and the transformation of
// bounding box difference vectors (max.x-min.x,0,0,0),(0, max.y-min.y,0,0),(0,0,max.z-min.z,0).
// The transformation of max is the sum of all 4 transformed vectors. The division by the
// homogeneous w is deferred to the end.
Vector< T, 3> corners[8];
corners[0] = transform_vector( mat, bbox.min);
corners[0].x += T(mat.wx);
corners[0].y += T(mat.wy);
corners[0].z += T(mat.wz);
// difference vectors between min and max
Vector< T, 3> dx = transform_vector( mat, Vector< T, 3>( (bbox.max).x - (bbox.min).x, 0, 0));
Vector< T, 3> dy = transform_vector( mat, Vector< T, 3>( 0, (bbox.max).y - (bbox.min).y, 0));
Vector< T, 3> dz = transform_vector( mat, Vector< T, 3>( 0, 0, (bbox.max).z - (bbox.min).z));
corners[1] = corners[0] + dz; // vertex 001
corners[2] = corners[0] + dy; // vertex 010
corners[3] = corners[0] + dy + dz; // vertex 011
corners[4] = corners[0] + dx; // vertex 100
corners[5] = corners[0] + dx + dz; // vertex 101
corners[6] = corners[0] + dx + dy; // vertex 110
corners[7] = corners[0] + dx + dy + dz; // vertex 110
// compute the w-coordinates separately. This is done to avoid copying from 4D to 3D vectors.
// Again, the computation is decomposed.
// w-coordinate for difference vectors between min and max
T wx = T( mat.xw * ((bbox.max).x - (bbox.min).x));
T wy = T( mat.yw * ((bbox.max).y - (bbox.min).y));
T wz = T( * ((bbox.max).z - (bbox.min).z));
// w-coordinate for corners
T w[8];
w[0] = T(mat.xw * (bbox.min).x + mat.yw * (bbox.min).y + * (bbox.min).z + mat.ww);
w[1] = w[0] + wz; // vertex 001
w[2] = w[0] + wy; // vertex 010
w[3] = w[0] + wy + wz; // vertex 011
w[4] = w[0] + wx; // vertex 100
w[5] = w[0] + wx + wz; // vertex 101
w[6] = w[0] + wx + wy; // vertex 110
w[7] = w[0] + wx + wy + wz; // vertex 111
// divide the other coordinates (x,y,z) by w to obtain 3D coordinates
for( unsigned int i=0; i<8; ++i) {
if( w[i]!=0 && w[i]!=1) {
T inv = T(1) / w[i];
corners[i].x *= inv;
corners[i].y *= inv;
corners[i].z *= inv;
Bbox< T, 3> result( corners, corners+8);
return result;
template <typename TT, typename T>
Bbox< T, 3>
transform_vector( const Matrix< TT, 4, 4>& mat, const Bbox< T, 3>& bbox)
// See transform_point() above for implementation notes.
if( bbox.empty())
return bbox;
Vector< T, 3> corners[8];
corners[0] = transform_vector( mat, (bbox.min));
Vector< T, 3> dx = transform_vector( mat, Vector< T, 3>( (bbox.max).x - (bbox.min).x, 0, 0));
Vector< T, 3> dy = transform_vector( mat, Vector< T, 3>( 0, (bbox.max).y - (bbox.min).y, 0));
Vector< T, 3> dz = transform_vector( mat, Vector< T, 3>( 0, 0, (bbox.max).z - (bbox.min).z));
corners[1] = corners[0] + dz;
corners[2] = corners[0] + dy;
corners[3] = corners[0] + dy + dz;
corners[4] = corners[0] + dx;
corners[5] = corners[0] + dx + dz;
corners[6] = corners[0] + dx + dy;
corners[7] = corners[0] + dx + dy + dz;
Bbox< T, 3> result( corners, corners+8);
return result;
// end group mi_math_bbox
} // namespace math
} // namespace mi
#endif // MI_MATH_BBOX_H
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- Common namespace for APIs of NVIDIA Advanced Rendering Center GmbH. More...
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- Namespace for the Math API. More...
- class
- Axis-aligned N-dimensional bounding box class template of fixed dimension. More...
- struct
- Storage class for an axis-aligned N-dimensional bounding box class template of fixed dimension. More...
- template< typename T, Size> Bbox < T , DIM > ( const Bbox < T , DIM >& bbox1, const Bbox < T , DIM >& bbox2)
- Clip bbox1 at bbox2 and return the result. More...
- template< typename T, Size> Bbox < T , DIM > ( const Bbox < T , DIM >& bbox1, const Bbox < T , DIM >& bbox2, T t)
- Returns the linear interpolation between bbox1 and bbox2, i.e., it returns (1-t) * bbox1 + t * bbox2. More...
- template< typename T, Size>bool ( const Bbox < T , DIM >& lhs, const Bbox < T , DIM >& rhs)
- Returns true if lhs is elementwise not equal to rhs. More...
- template< typename T, Size> Bbox < T , DIM > ( const Bbox < T , DIM >& bbox, T factor)
- Returns a bounding box that is a version of bbox scaled by factor, i.e., bbox.max and bbox.min are multiplied by factor. More...
- template< typename T, Size> Bbox < T , DIM >& ( Bbox < T , DIM >& bbox, T factor)
- Scales bbox by factor, i.e., bbox.max and bbox.min are multiplied by factor. More...
- template< typename T, Size> Bbox < T , DIM > ( const Bbox < T , DIM >& bbox, T value)
- Returns a bounding box that is the bbox increased by a constant value at each face, i.e., value is added to bbox.max and subtracted from bbox.min. More...
- template< typename T, Size> Bbox < T , DIM >& ( Bbox < T , DIM >& bbox, T value)
- Increases bbox by a constant value at each face, i.e., value is added to bbox.max and subtracted from bbox.min. More...
- template< typename T, Size> Bbox < T , DIM > ( const Bbox < T , DIM >& bbox, T value)
- Returns a bounding box that is the bbox shrunk by a constant value at each face, i.e., value is subtracted from bbox.max and added to bbox.min. More...
- template< typename T, Size> Bbox < T , DIM >& ( Bbox < T , DIM >& bbox, T value)
- Shrinks bbox by a constant value at each face, i.e., value is subtracted from bbox.max and added to bbox.min. More...
- template< typename T, Size> Bbox < T , DIM > ( const Bbox < T , DIM >& bbox, T divisor)
- Returns a bounding box that is a version of bbox divided by divisor, i.e., bbox.max and bbox.min are divided by divisor. More...
- template< typename T, Size> Bbox < T , DIM >& ( Bbox < T , DIM >& bbox, T divisor)
- Divide bbox by divisor, i.e., bbox.max and bbox.min are divided by divisor. More...
- template< typename T, Size>bool ( const Bbox < T , DIM >& lhs, const Bbox < T , DIM >& rhs)
- Returns true if lhs is lexicographically less than rhs. More...
- template< typename T, Size>bool ( const Bbox < T , DIM >& lhs, const Bbox < T , DIM >& rhs)
- Returns true if lhs is lexicographically less than or equal to rhs. More...
- template< typename T, Size>bool ( const Bbox < T , DIM >& lhs, const Bbox < T , DIM >& rhs)
- Returns true if lhs is elementwise equal to rhs. More...
- template< typename T, Size>bool ( const Bbox < T , DIM >& lhs, const Bbox < T , DIM >& rhs)
- Returns true if lhs is lexicographically greater than rhs. More...
- template< typename T, Size>bool ( const Bbox < T , DIM >& lhs, const Bbox < T , DIM >& rhs)
- Returns true if lhs is lexicographically greater than or equal to rhs. More...
- template< typename TT, typename T> Bbox < T , 3 > ( const Matrix < TT , 4 , 4 >& mat, const Bbox < T , 3 >& bbox)
- Returns the 3D bounding box transformed by a matrix. More...
- template< typename TT, typename T> Bbox < T , 3 > ( const Matrix < TT , 4 , 4 >& mat, const Bbox < T , 3 >& bbox)
- Returns the 3D bounding box transformed by a matrix. More...