Spectrum Class
[Math API]
Spectrum class with floating point elements and operations.
Include File:
#include <mi/math/spectrum.h>
- class
- Spectrum with floating point elements and operations. More...
- struct
- Generic storage class template for a Spectrum representation storing three floating point elements. More...
- Spectrum mi::math::abs( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns a spectrum with the elementwise absolute values of the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::acos( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns a spectrum with the elementwise arc cosine of the spectrum c.
- bool mi::math::all( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns true if all elements of c are not equal to zero.
- bool mi::math::any( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns true if any element of c is not equal to zero.
- Spectrum mi::math::asin( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns a spectrum with the elementwise arc sine of the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::atan( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns a spectrum with the elementwise arc tangent of the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::atan2( const Spectrum& c, const Spectrum& d)
- Returns a spectrum with the elementwise arc tangent of the spectrum c / d. More...
- Spectrum mi::math::ceil( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns a spectrum with the elementwise smallest integral value that is not less than the element in spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::clamp( const Spectrum& c, const Spectrum& low, const Spectrum& high)
- Returns the spectrum c elementwise clamped to the range [low, high].
- Spectrum mi::math::clamp( const Spectrum& c, const Spectrum& low, Float32 high)
- Returns the spectrum c elementwise clamped to the range [low, high].
- Spectrum mi::math::clamp( const Spectrum& c, Float32 low, const Spectrum& high)
- Returns the spectrum c elementwise clamped to the range [low, high].
- Spectrum mi::math::clamp( const Spectrum& c, Float32 low, Float32 high)
- Returns the spectrum c elementwise clamped to the range [low, high].
- Spectrum mi::math::cos( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns a spectrum with the elementwise cosine of the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::degrees( const Spectrum& c)
- Converts elementwise radians in c to degrees.
- Spectrum mi::math::elementwise_max( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs)
- Returns elementwise max for each element in spectrum lhs that is less than the corresponding element in spectrum rhs.
- Spectrum mi::math::elementwise_min( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs)
- Returns elementwise min for each element in spectrum lhs that is less than the corresponding element in spectrum rhs.
- Spectrum mi::math::exp( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns a spectrum with elementwise e to the power of the element in the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::exp2( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns a spectrum with elementwise 2 to the power of the element in the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::floor( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns a spectrum with the elementwise largest integral value that is not greater than the element in spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::fmod( const Spectrum& a, const Spectrum& b)
- Returns elementwise a modulo b, in other words, the remainder of a/b. More...
- Spectrum mi::math::fmod( const Spectrum& a, Float32 b)
- Returns elementwise a modulo b, in other words, the remainder of a/b. More...
- Spectrum mi::math::frac( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns a spectrum with the elementwise positive fractional part of the spectrum c.
- MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void mi::math::from_rgbe( const Uint8 rgbe[4], Spectrum& c)
- Decodes a color from RGBE representation.
- MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void mi::math::from_rgbe( const Uint32 rgbe, Spectrum& c)
- Decodes a color from RGBE representation.
- Spectrum mi::math::gamma_correction( const Spectrum& spectrum, Float32 gamma_factor)
- Returns a gamma corrected spectrum. More...
- bool mi::math::is_approx_equal( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs, Float32 e)
- Compares the two given values elementwise for equality within the given epsilon.
- bool mi::math::isfinite( const Spectrum& c)
- Indicates whether all components of the spectrum are finite.
- bool mi::math::isinfinite( const Spectrum& c)
- Indicates whether any component of the spectrum is infinite.
- bool mi::math::isnan( const Spectrum& c)
- Indicates whether any component of the spectrum is "not a number".
- Spectrum mi::math::lerp( const Spectrum& c1, const Spectrum& c2, const Spectrum& t)
- Returns the elementwise linear interpolation between c1 and c2, i.e., it returns (1-t) * c1 + t * c2.
- Spectrum mi::math::lerp( const Spectrum& c1, const Spectrum& c2, Float32 t)
- Returns the linear interpolation between c1 and c2, i.e., it returns (1-t) * c1 + t * c2.
- Spectrum mi::math::log( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns a spectrum with elementwise natural logarithm of the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::log10( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns a spectrum with elementwise base 10 logarithm of the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::log2( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns a spectrum with elementwise base 2 logarithm of the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::modf( const Spectrum& c, Spectrum& i)
- Returns the elementwise fractional part of c and stores the elementwise integral part of c in i. More...
- bool mi::math::operator!=( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs)
- Returns true if lhs is elementwise not equal to rhs.
- Spectrum mi::math::operator*( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs)
- Multiplies rhs elementwise with lhs and returns the new result.
- Spectrum mi::math::operator*( const Spectrum& c, Float32 s)
- Multiplies the spectrum c elementwise with the scalar s and returns the new result.
- Spectrum mi::math::operator*( Float32 s, const Spectrum& c)
- Multiplies the spectrum c elementwise with the scalar s and returns the new result.
- Spectrum& mi::math::operator*=( Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs)
- Multiplies rhs elementwise with lhs and returns the modified lhs.
- Spectrum& mi::math::operator*=( Spectrum& c, Float32 s)
- Multiplies the spectrum c elementwise with the scalar s and returns the modified spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::operator+( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs)
- Adds lhs and rhs elementwise and returns the new result.
- Spectrum& mi::math::operator+=( Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs)
- Adds rhs elementwise to lhs and returns the modified lhs.
- Spectrum mi::math::operator-( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs)
- Subtracts rhs elementwise from lhs and returns the new result.
- Spectrum mi::math::operator-( const Spectrum& c)
- Negates the spectrum c elementwise and returns the new result.
- Spectrum& mi::math::operator-=( Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs)
- Subtracts rhs elementwise from lhs and returns the modified lhs.
- Spectrum mi::math::operator/( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs)
- Divides rhs elementwise by lhs and returns the new result.
- Spectrum mi::math::operator/( const Spectrum& c, Float32 s)
- Divides the spectrum c elementwise by the scalar s and returns the new result.
- Spectrum& mi::math::operator/=( Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs)
- Divides lhs elementwise by rhs and returns the modified lhs.
- Spectrum& mi::math::operator/=( Spectrum& c, Float32 s)
- Divides the spectrum c elementwise by the scalar s and returns the modified spectrum c.
- bool mi::math::operator<( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs)
- Returns true if lhs is lexicographically less than rhs. More...
- bool mi::math::operator<=( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs)
- Returns true if lhs is lexicographically less than or equal to rhs. More...
- bool mi::math::operator==( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs)
- Returns true if lhs is elementwise equal to rhs.
- bool mi::math::operator>( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs)
- Returns true if lhs is lexicographically greater than rhs. More...
- bool mi::math::operator>=( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs)
- Returns true if lhs is lexicographically greater than or equal to rhs. More...
- Spectrum mi::math::pow( const Spectrum& a, const Spectrum& b)
- Returns the spectrum a elementwise to the power of b.
- Spectrum mi::math::pow( const Spectrum& a, Float32 b)
- Returns the spectrum a elementwise to the power of b.
- Spectrum mi::math::radians( const Spectrum& c)
- Converts elementwise degrees in c to radians.
- Spectrum mi::math::round( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns a spectrum with the elements of spectrum c rounded to nearest integers.
- Spectrum mi::math::rsqrt( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns the reciprocal of the square root of each element of c.
- Spectrum mi::math::saturate( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns the spectrum c clamped elementwise to the range [0,1].
- Spectrum mi::math::sign( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns the elementwise sign of spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::sin( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns a spectrum with the elementwise sine of the spectrum c.
- void mi::math::sincos( const Spectrum& a, Spectrum& s, Spectrum& c)
- Computes elementwise the sine s and cosine c of angles a simultaneously. More...
- Spectrum mi::math::smoothstep( const Spectrum& a, const Spectrum& b, const Spectrum& c)
- Returns 0 if c is less than a and 1 if c is greater than b in an elementwise fashion. More...
- Spectrum mi::math::smoothstep( const Spectrum& a, const Spectrum& b, Float32 x)
- Returns 0 if c is less than a and 1 if c is greater than b in an elementwise fashion. More...
- Spectrum mi::math::sqrt( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns the square root of each element of c.
- Spectrum mi::math::step( const Spectrum& a, const Spectrum& c)
- Returns elementwise 0 if c is less than a and 1 otherwise.
- Spectrum mi::math::tan( const Spectrum& c)
- Returns a spectrum with the elementwise tangent of the spectrum c.
- MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void mi::math::to_rgbe( const Spectrum& c, Uint32& rgbe)
- Encodes a spectrum into RGBE representation.
- MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void mi::math::to_rgbe( const Spectrum& c, Uint8 rgbe[4])
- Encodes a spectrum into RGBE representation.
- Spectrum mi::math::abs( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise absolute values of the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::acos( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise arc cosine of the spectrum c.
- bool mi::math::all( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns true if all elements of c are not equal to zero.
- bool mi::math::any( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns true if any element of c is not equal to zero.
- Spectrum mi::math::asin( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise arc sine of the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::atan( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise arc tangent of the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::atan2( const Spectrum& c, const Spectrum& d) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise arc tangent of the spectrum c / d. The signs of the elements of c and d are used to determine the quadrant of the results.
- Spectrum mi::math::ceil( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise smallest integral value that is not less than the element in spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::clamp( const Spectrum& c, const Spectrum& low, const Spectrum& high) [inline]
Returns the spectrum c elementwise clamped to the range [low, high].
- Spectrum mi::math::clamp( const Spectrum& c, const Spectrum& low, Float32 high) [inline]
Returns the spectrum c elementwise clamped to the range [low, high].
- Spectrum mi::math::clamp( const Spectrum& c, Float32 low, const Spectrum& high) [inline]
Returns the spectrum c elementwise clamped to the range [low, high].
- Spectrum mi::math::clamp( const Spectrum& c, Float32 low, Float32 high) [inline]
Returns the spectrum c elementwise clamped to the range [low, high].
- Spectrum mi::math::cos( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise cosine of the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::degrees( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Converts elementwise radians in c to degrees.
- Spectrum mi::math::elementwise_max( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs) [inline]
Returns elementwise max for each element in spectrum lhs that is less than the corresponding element in spectrum rhs.
- Spectrum mi::math::elementwise_min( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs) [inline]
Returns elementwise min for each element in spectrum lhs that is less than the corresponding element in spectrum rhs.
- Spectrum mi::math::exp( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with elementwise e to the power of the element in the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::exp2( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with elementwise 2 to the power of the element in the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::floor( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise largest integral value that is not greater than the element in spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::fmod( const Spectrum& a, const Spectrum& b) [inline]
Returns elementwise a modulo b, in other words, the remainder of a/b. The elementwise result has the same sign as a.
- Spectrum mi::math::fmod( const Spectrum& a, Float32 b) [inline]
Returns elementwise a modulo b, in other words, the remainder of a/b. The elementwise result has the same sign as a.
- Spectrum mi::math::frac( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise positive fractional part of the spectrum c.
- MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void mi::math::from_rgbe( const Uint8 rgbe[4], Spectrum& c)
Decodes a color from RGBE representation.
- MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void mi::math::from_rgbe( const Uint32 rgbe, Spectrum& c)
Decodes a color from RGBE representation.
- Spectrum mi::math::gamma_correction( const Spectrum& spectrum, Float32 gamma_factor) [inline]
Returns a gamma corrected spectrum. Gamma factors are used to correct for non-linear input and output devices; for example, monitors typically have gamma factors between 1.7 and 2.2, meaning that one-half of the peak voltage does not give one half of the brightness. This is corrected for by raising the spectrum components to the gamma exponent. Gamma factors greater than 1 make an image brighter; less than 1 make it darker. The inverse of gamma_correction(factor) is gamma_correction(1.0/factor).
- spectrum
- spectrum to be corrected
- gamma_factor
- gamma factor, must be greater than zero.
- bool mi::math::is_approx_equal( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs, Float32 e) [inline]
Compares the two given values elementwise for equality within the given epsilon.
- bool mi::math::isfinite( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Indicates whether all components of the spectrum are finite.
- bool mi::math::isinfinite( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Indicates whether any component of the spectrum is infinite.
- bool mi::math::isnan( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Indicates whether any component of the spectrum is "not a number".
- Spectrum mi::math::lerp( const Spectrum& c1, const Spectrum& c2, const Spectrum& t) [inline]
Returns the elementwise linear interpolation between c1 and c2, i.e., it returns (1-t) * c1 + t * c2.
- c1
- one spectrum
- c2
- second spectrum
- t
- interpolation parameter in [0,1]
- Spectrum mi::math::lerp( const Spectrum& c1, const Spectrum& c2, Float32 t) [inline]
Returns the linear interpolation between c1 and c2, i.e., it returns (1-t) * c1 + t * c2.
- c1
- one spectrum
- c2
- second spectrum
- t
- interpolation parameter in [0,1]
- Spectrum mi::math::log( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with elementwise natural logarithm of the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::log10( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with elementwise base 10 logarithm of the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::log2( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with elementwise base 2 logarithm of the spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::modf( const Spectrum& c, Spectrum& i) [inline]
Returns the elementwise fractional part of c and stores the elementwise integral part of c in i. Both parts have elementwise the same sign as c.
- bool mi::math::operator!=( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs) [inline]
Returns true if lhs is elementwise not equal to rhs.
- Spectrum mi::math::operator*( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs) [inline]
Multiplies rhs elementwise with lhs and returns the new result.
- Spectrum mi::math::operator*( const Spectrum& c, Float32 s) [inline]
Multiplies the spectrum c elementwise with the scalar s and returns the new result.
- Spectrum mi::math::operator*( Float32 s, const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Multiplies the spectrum c elementwise with the scalar s and returns the new result.
- Spectrum& mi::math::operator*=( Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs) [inline]
Multiplies rhs elementwise with lhs and returns the modified lhs.
- Spectrum& mi::math::operator*=( Spectrum& c, Float32 s) [inline]
Multiplies the spectrum c elementwise with the scalar s and returns the modified spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::operator+( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs) [inline]
Adds lhs and rhs elementwise and returns the new result.
- Spectrum& mi::math::operator+=( Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs) [inline]
Adds rhs elementwise to lhs and returns the modified lhs.
- Spectrum mi::math::operator-( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs) [inline]
Subtracts rhs elementwise from lhs and returns the new result.
- Spectrum mi::math::operator-( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Negates the spectrum c elementwise and returns the new result.
- Spectrum& mi::math::operator-=( Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs) [inline]
Subtracts rhs elementwise from lhs and returns the modified lhs.
- Spectrum mi::math::operator/( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs) [inline]
Divides rhs elementwise by lhs and returns the new result.
- Spectrum mi::math::operator/( const Spectrum& c, Float32 s) [inline]
Divides the spectrum c elementwise by the scalar s and returns the new result.
- Spectrum& mi::math::operator/=( Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs) [inline]
Divides lhs elementwise by rhs and returns the modified lhs.
- Spectrum& mi::math::operator/=( Spectrum& c, Float32 s) [inline]
Divides the spectrum c elementwise by the scalar s and returns the modified spectrum c.
- bool mi::math::operator<( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs) [inline]
Returns true if lhs is lexicographically less than rhs.
See also:
- bool mi::math::operator<=( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs) [inline]
Returns true if lhs is lexicographically less than or equal to rhs.
See also:
- bool mi::math::operator==( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs) [inline]
Returns true if lhs is elementwise equal to rhs.
- bool mi::math::operator>( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs) [inline]
Returns true if lhs is lexicographically greater than rhs.
See also:
- bool mi::math::operator>=( const Spectrum& lhs, const Spectrum& rhs) [inline]
Returns true if lhs is lexicographically greater than or equal to rhs.
See also:
- Spectrum mi::math::pow( const Spectrum& a, const Spectrum& b) [inline]
Returns the spectrum a elementwise to the power of b.
- Spectrum mi::math::pow( const Spectrum& a, Float32 b) [inline]
Returns the spectrum a elementwise to the power of b.
- Spectrum mi::math::radians( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Converts elementwise degrees in c to radians.
- Spectrum mi::math::round( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with the elements of spectrum c rounded to nearest integers.
- Spectrum mi::math::rsqrt( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns the reciprocal of the square root of each element of c.
- Spectrum mi::math::saturate( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns the spectrum c clamped elementwise to the range [0,1].
- Spectrum mi::math::sign( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns the elementwise sign of spectrum c.
- Spectrum mi::math::sin( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise sine of the spectrum c.
- void mi::math::sincos( const Spectrum& a, Spectrum& s, Spectrum& c) [inline]
Computes elementwise the sine s and cosine c of angles a simultaneously. The angles a are specified in radians.
- Spectrum mi::math::smoothstep( const Spectrum& a, const Spectrum& b, const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns 0 if c is less than a and 1 if c is greater than b in an elementwise fashion. A smooth curve is applied in-between so that the return values vary continuously from 0 to 1 as elements in c vary from a to b.
- Spectrum mi::math::smoothstep( const Spectrum& a, const Spectrum& b, Float32 x) [inline]
Returns 0 if c is less than a and 1 if c is greater than b in an elementwise fashion. A smooth curve is applied in-between so that the return values vary continuously from 0 to 1 as x varies from a to b.
- Spectrum mi::math::sqrt( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns the square root of each element of c.
- Spectrum mi::math::step( const Spectrum& a, const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns elementwise 0 if c is less than a and 1 otherwise.
- Spectrum mi::math::tan( const Spectrum& c) [inline]
Returns a spectrum with the elementwise tangent of the spectrum c.
- MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void mi::math::to_rgbe( const Spectrum& c, Uint32& rgbe)
Encodes a spectrum into RGBE representation.
- MI_HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void mi::math::to_rgbe( const Spectrum& c, Uint8 rgbe[4])
Encodes a spectrum into RGBE representation.