http.h File Reference
A lightweight HTTP server.
Code Example
* Copyright 2024 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdio>
#include <mi/base/interface_declare.h>
#include <mi/neuraylib/idata.h>
namespace mi {
namespace http { class IConnection; class IWeb_socket; }
namespace neuraylib { class IBuffer; }
namespace http {
class IRequest
virtual const char* get_request_line() const = 0;
virtual const char* get_command() const = 0;
virtual const char* get_protocol() const = 0;
virtual void set_url( const char* url) = 0;
virtual const char* get_url() const = 0;
virtual void set_header( const char* key, const char* value) = 0;
virtual void remove_header( const char* key) = 0;
virtual const char* get_header( const char* key) const = 0;
virtual bool get_header(
Size index, const char** key_pointer, const char** value_pointer) const = 0;
virtual void set_argument( const char* key, const char* value) = 0;
virtual void add_argument( const char* key, const char* value) = 0;
virtual void remove_argument(const char* key) = 0;
virtual const char* get_argument( const char* key) const = 0;
virtual bool get_argument(
Size index, const char** key_pointer, const char** value_pointer) const = 0;
virtual const char* get_body() const = 0;
class IResponse
virtual void set_result_code( Sint32 code, const char* message) = 0;
virtual Sint32
get_result_code() const = 0;
virtual void set_header( const char* key, const char* value) = 0;
virtual void remove_header( const char* key) = 0;
virtual const char* get_header( const char* key) const = 0;
virtual bool get_header(
Size index, const char** key_pointer, const char** value_pointer) const = 0;
virtual bool was_sent() const = 0;
class IData_handler : public
virtual neuraylib::IBuffer* handle( IConnection* connection, neuraylib::IBuffer* buffer) = 0;
class IConnection
virtual const char* get_peer_address() = 0;
virtual const char* get_local_address() = 0;
virtual bool print( const char* string) = 0;
bool printf( const char* string, ...)
__attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)))
va_list args;
va_start( args, string);
char buffer[16384];
vsnprintf_s( &buffer[0], sizeof( buffer), sizeof( buffer)-1, string, args);
vsnprintf( &buffer[0], sizeof( buffer), string, args);
bool result = this->print( &buffer[0]);
va_end( args);
return result;
virtual bool enqueue( neuraylib::IBuffer* buffer) = 0;
virtual Sint32
flush() = 0;
virtual bool check_error() = 0;
virtual IRequest* get_request() = 0;
virtual IResponse* get_response() = 0;
virtual void add_data_handler( IData_handler* handler) = 0;
virtual void set_data_attachment( const char* key, IData* value) = 0;
virtual IData* get_data_attachment( const char* key) = 0;
template<class T>
T* get_data_attachment( const char* key)
IData* ptr = get_data_attachment( key);
if( !ptr)
return 0;
T* ptr_T = static_cast<T*>( ptr->get_interface( typename T::IID()));
return ptr_T;
virtual void set_attachment( const char* key, const char* value) = 0;
virtual const char* get_attachment( const char* key) = 0;
virtual void remove_attachment( const char* key) = 0;
virtual Sint32
read_data( Size size, char* buffer) = 0;
virtual bool is_secure_connection() = 0;
class IWeb_socket_state_handler : public
virtual void handle( IWeb_socket* web_socket) = 0;
class IWeb_socket_data_handler : public
virtual void handle( IWeb_socket* web_socket, neuraylib::IBuffer* buffer,
bool binary_frame) = 0;
class IWeb_socket : public
virtual const char* get_peer_address() const = 0;
virtual const char* get_local_address() const = 0;
virtual const char* get_url_path() const = 0;
enum State
WS_STATE_FORCE_32_BIT = 0xffffffffU
virtual State
get_state() const = 0;
virtual void set_state_handler( IWeb_socket_state_handler* handler) = 0;
virtual void set_data_handler( IWeb_socket_data_handler* handler) = 0;
virtual Difference
write( neuraylib::IBuffer* buffer, bool binary_frame = false) = 0;
virtual bool print( const char* string, bool binary_frame = false) = 0;
bool printf( const char* string, ...)
__attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)))
va_list args;
va_start( args, string);
char buffer[16384];
vsnprintf_s( &buffer[0], sizeof( buffer), sizeof( buffer)-1, string, args);
vsnprintf( &buffer[0], sizeof( buffer), string, args);
bool result = this->print( &buffer[0]);
va_end( args);
return result;
virtual void close() = 0;
virtual IConnection* get_http_connection() = 0;
virtual void set_max_payload(Uint64 bytes) = 0;
virtual Uint64
get_max_payload() = 0;
mi_static_assert( sizeof( IWeb_socket::State) == sizeof( Uint32));
class IWeb_socket_handler : public
virtual bool handle( IWeb_socket* web_socket) = 0;
class IRequest_handler : public
virtual bool handle( IConnection* connection) = 0;
class ICGIRequest_handler : public
virtual bool handle( IConnection* connection) = 0;
class IResponse_handler : public
virtual void handle( IConnection* connection) = 0;
class IServer : public
virtual Sint32
start( const char* listen_address) = 0;
virtual Sint32
const char* listen_address, const char* cert_file,
const char* private_key_file, const char* password) = 0;
virtual void shutdown() = 0;
virtual Sint32
set_default_mime_type( const char* mime_type) = 0;
virtual void add_mime_type( const char* extension, const char* mime_type) = 0;
virtual const char* lookup_mime_type( const char* extension) = 0;
virtual void install( IRequest_handler* handler) = 0;
virtual void remove( IRequest_handler* handler) = 0;
virtual void install( IWeb_socket_handler* handler) = 0;
virtual void remove( IWeb_socket_handler* handler) = 0;
virtual void install( ICGIRequest_handler* handler) = 0;
virtual void remove( ICGIRequest_handler* handler) = 0;
virtual void install( IResponse_handler* handler) = 0;
virtual void remove( IResponse_handler* handler) = 0;
virtual void set_identification( const char* id_string) = 0;
virtual const char* get_listen_address() = 0;
virtual const char* get_ssl_listen_address() = 0;
virtual Size
get_nr_of_connections() = 0;
virtual Size
get_nr_of_active_connections() = 0;
virtual void set_keep_alive_timeout( Uint32 nr_of_seconds) = 0;
virtual Uint32
get_keep_alive_timeout() const = 0;
virtual void set_send_buffer_size( Uint32 send_buffer_size) = 0;
virtual Uint32
get_send_buffer_size() const = 0;
virtual void set_http_post_body_limit( Uint32 http_post_body_limit) = 0;
virtual Uint32
get_http_post_body_limit() const = 0;
// try again.
virtual void set_concurrent_connection_limit( Uint32 limit ) = 0;
virtual Uint32
get_concurrent_connection_limit() = 0;
class IFactory : public
virtual IServer* create_server() = 0;
virtual IRequest_handler* create_file_handler(
const char* root_url, const char* root_path, bool is_recursive = true) = 0;
virtual IRequest_handler* create_redirect_handler(
const char* source_url, const char* target_url) = 0;
virtual IResponse_handler* create_log_handler( const char* path) = 0;
virtual IResponse_handler* create_chunked_encoding_handler() = 0;
virtual IWeb_socket* create_client_web_socket( const char* web_socket_address,
Float32 connect_timeout) = 0;
// end group mi_neuray_http
} // namespace http
} // namespace mi
- namespace
- Common namespace for APIs of NVIDIA Advanced Rendering Center GmbH. More...
- namespace
- Namespace for the HTTP server of the neuray API. More...
- namespace
- Namespace for the neuray API. More...
- class
- CGI request handlers are responsible for handling HTTP requests. More...
- class
- The connection class represents a connection from a client to the server. More...
- class
- A data handler may be added to a connection. More...
- class
- The factory can be used to instantiate the built-in HTTP classes. More...
- class
- This interface holds all the parameters of a request. More...
- class
- Request handlers are responsible for handling HTTP requests. More...
- class
- This interface holds all the parameters of a response. More...
- class
- Response handlers can be used to modify responses generated by request handlers. More...
- class
- The server builds a framework for the handlers. More...
- class
- The WebSocket connection class represents a connection that is built on top of an HTTP connection. More...
- class
- A WebSocket data handler that can be installed to a WebSocket connection to handle data arriving at the WebSocket. More...
- class
- WebSocket handlers are responsible for handling WebSocket requests. More...
- class
- A WebSocket state handler that can be installed to a WebSocket connection to handle events of the WebSocket. More...