neuray API Programmer's Manual

handle.h File Reference


Smart-pointer handle class for interfaces, const and non-const version.

Code Example


 * Copyright 2024 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.


#include <mi/base/assert.h>
#include <mi/base/config.h> // for MI_CXX_FEATURE_RVALUE_REFERENCES
#include <mi/base/iinterface.h>

#ifdef __cpp_variadic_templates
#include <utility>

namespace mi {
namespace base {

// Helper type to define Dup_interface
struct Dup_interface_helper {};

typedef const Dup_interface_helper* Dup_interface;

static const Dup_interface 
               DUP_INTERFACE = 0;

template <class Interface>
class Handle
    typedef Handle< Interface> 

    typedef Interface Interface_type;

    // STL iterator inspired typedef names

    typedef Interface  value_type;

    typedef Difference 

    typedef Interface* pointer;

    typedef Interface& reference;

    template <typename I2> friend class Handle;

    // Pointer to underlying interface, can be \c NULL
    Interface* m_iptr;

    Handle() : m_iptr( 0) { }

    explicit Handle( Interface* ptr) : m_iptr( ptr) { }

    Handle( Interface* ptr, Dup_interface)
      : m_iptr( ptr)
        if( m_iptr)

    Handle( const Self& other)
      : m_iptr( other.m_iptr)
        if( m_iptr)

    template <class Interface2>
    Handle( const Handle< Interface2>& other)
      : m_iptr( other.get())
        if( m_iptr)

    Handle( Self&& other) noexcept
      : m_iptr( other.m_iptr)
        other.m_iptr = 0;

    template <class Interface2>
    Handle( Handle<Interface2>&& other) noexcept
      : m_iptr( other.m_iptr)
        other.m_iptr = 0;

    void swap( Self& other)
        Interface* tmp_iptr = m_iptr;
        m_iptr = other.m_iptr;
        other.m_iptr = tmp_iptr;

    Self& operator=( const Self& other)
        Self( other).swap( *this);
        return *this;

    template <class Interface2>
    Self& operator=( const Handle< Interface2>& other)
        Self( other).swap( *this);
        return *this;

    Self& operator=( Self&& other) noexcept
        if( this != &other) {
            if( m_iptr)
            m_iptr = other.m_iptr;
            other.m_iptr = 0;
        return *this;

    template <class Interface2>
    Self& operator=( Handle<Interface2>&& other) noexcept
        if( m_iptr)
        m_iptr = other.m_iptr;
        other.m_iptr = 0;

        return *this;

    Self& operator=( Interface* ptr)
        Self( ptr).swap( *this);
        return *this;

    void reset()
        if( m_iptr) {
            m_iptr = 0;

        if( m_iptr)

    bool is_valid_interface() const { return m_iptr != 0; }

    Interface* get() const { return  m_iptr; }

    Interface* extract()
        Interface* ptr = m_iptr;
        m_iptr = 0;
        return ptr;

#ifdef __cpp_variadic_templates
    template <typename... T>
    Self& emplace(T&&... args)
        return emplace<Interface>(std::forward<T>(args)...);

    template <typename Impl, typename... T>
    Self& emplace(T&&... args)
        m_iptr = new Impl(std::forward<T>(args)...);
        return *this;

    Interface& operator*() const
        mi_base_assert_msg( is_valid_interface(), "precondition");
        return *m_iptr;

    Interface* operator->() const
        mi_base_assert_msg( is_valid_interface(), "precondition");
        return m_iptr;

    template <class New_interface>
    Handle< New_interface> 
               get_interface() const
        if( !is_valid_interface())
            return Handle< New_interface>( 0);
        return Handle< New_interface>( static_cast< New_interface*>(
            m_iptr->get_interface( typename New_interface::IID())));

    typedef bool (Handle::*bool_conversion_support)() const;

    operator bool_conversion_support() const
        return is_valid_interface() ? &Handle< Interface>::is_valid_interface : 0;

    friend bool operator==( const Handle< Interface>& lhs, const Interface* rhs)
        return lhs.get() == rhs;

    friend bool operator==( const Interface* lhs, const Handle< Interface>& rhs)
        return lhs == rhs.get();

    friend bool operator!=( const Handle< Interface>& lhs, const Interface* rhs)
        return !( lhs == rhs);

    friend bool operator!=( const Interface* lhs, const Handle< Interface>& rhs) {
        return !( lhs == rhs);

template <class Interface1, class Interface2>
inline bool operator==( const Handle< Interface1>& lhs, const Handle< Interface2>& rhs)
    return lhs.get() == rhs.get();

template <class Interface1, class Interface2>
inline bool operator!=( const Handle< Interface1>& lhs, const Handle< Interface2>& rhs)
    return !( lhs == rhs);

template <class Interface>
inline Handle< Interface> 
               make_handle( Interface* iptr)
    return Handle< Interface>( iptr);

template <class Interface>
inline Handle< Interface> 
               make_handle_dup( Interface* iptr)
    return Handle< Interface>( iptr, DUP_INTERFACE);

#ifdef __cpp_variadic_templates
template <typename Impl, typename... T>
inline Handle<Impl> construct_handle(T&&... args)
    return Handle<Impl>{new Impl(std::forward<T>(args)...)};


 // end group mi_base_iinterface

} // namespace base
} // namespace mi

#endif // MI_BASE_HANDLE_H


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typedef Dup_interface_helper *  
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template< class Interface1, class Interface2>bool   ( const Handle < Interface1 >& lhs, const Handle < Interface2 >& rhs)
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static const Dup_interface  
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