RealityServer Features

RealityServer Features

RealityServer provides a number of additional features built on top of Iray that are not part of the core renderer. These features and their usage are documented here.

These features include:

Render Loop.

The render loop is the recommended way of performing rendering within RealityServer. This creates a persistent server side loop that continuously renders a scene without the client having to repetitively call the render command.

Single pass stereoscopic rendering.

Allows for the rendering and compositing of 3D stereo pairs in a single pass.


Importers for many industry standard 3D file formats are provided with RealityServer. Importers can define various options that control how the scene is imported. These are documented here.

Content Upload.

RealityServer usually expects all content to exist with it's content root directory. This makes using user supplied content (EG: textures) problematic as it either need to be uploaded via a side channel or set via one of the *_reset_from_base64 or import_scene_elements_from_string commands. Alternatively, files can be uploaded to content root using standard multipart/form-data posts.

Smart Batch.

A variant of the batch commands that allows parameters to be set from an environment rather than being directly specified.