Class List
Here are the classes with brief descriptions:
- Command.Argument
- Interface that describes a command argument
- fs.async
- Asynchronous variant of the fs api
- http.async
- Asynchronous variants of the http api
- zip.async
- Asynchronous variants of the zip compression API
- Attribute_container
- Attributes
- RS.Math.Bbox3
- Binary
- Allows arbitrary binary data to be returned by a command
- Bsdf_measurement
- Camera
- Canvas
- Image within RealityServer, either the result of a render or obtained from a texture
- RS.Math.Color
- Command
- Interface for a command implementation
- console
- Access to the RealityServer log file
- Decal
- Element
- A RealityServer scene Element
- Element_scene_graph
- An element that can be directly instantiated in the scene graph
- http.Error
- RS.Error
- Helper class to return errors to the user
- fs.File_descriptor
- fs.async.File_handle
- A File_handle object is a wrapper for a File_descriptor for use in the asynchronous fs.async api
- Freeform_surface
- fs
- File system access functions
- Geometry
- An element that represents scene geometry
- Group
- http
- Image
- Represents an Image element
- Instance
- Irradiance_probes
- Light
- Lightprofile
- RS.Math.Matrix4x4
- Mdl_arguments
- Mdl_attached_function
- Mdl_function_call
- Mdl_instance
- Intermediate class to provide functionality common to MDL material instances and function calls
- Mdl_material_instance
- Module
- The module class
- Options
- Polygon_mesh
- Represents a polygon mesh within the scene graph
- Projector
- Render_context
- http.Request
- http.Response
- Command.Return_type
- Information about what is returned by a command
- RS
- The main interface from a V8 command into RealityServer
- Scene
- Scope
- Section_object
- RS.Math.Spectrum
- fs.Stats
- Store
- The Store interface provides a common shared data store available to all v8 commands run in the same RealityServer process
- Subdivision_surface
- Texture
- Triangle_mesh
- Represents a triangle mesh within the scene graph
- Utils
- RS.Math.Vector2
- RS.Math.Vector3
- RS.Math.Vector4
- zip