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Example for Importers
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This example demonstrates the implementation and usage of custom importers to be used in conjunction with the Iray SDK API. In this example the new importer is defined in and used by the main application for simplicity. Note that it is possible to provide custom importers via plugins, as for any other user defined class, see Plugins.

A simple importer called "Vanilla importer" will be used in this example to demonstrate the basic steps. This importer is an illustrative skeleton that implements all interfaces but does not actually parse the file content in a meaningful way.

New Topics

  • Implementation of an importer
  • Registration of an importer

Detailed Description

Implementation of an importer

The implementation of the Vanilla importer in the example source in structured in three parts:

Instances of mi::neuraylib::IImpexp_state are used to pass information about the current importer state, for example to recursive calls of importers. The Vanilla importer does not need to carry around any additional information besides what is required by the interface, therefore this simple implementation is fine. Note that the simple derivation from mi::base::Interface_implement suffices here (in contrast to user-defined classes).

The Vanilla importer is given in the implementation of the mi::neuraylib::IImporter interface. Later, an instance of this class will be registered as importer with the Iray SDK API. Most of the methods implemented here are actually defined in the base interface mi::neuraylib::IImpexp_state, as they are common for importers and exporters. The Vanilla importer claims to handle files with extension ".vnl" and ".van". It does not require specific capabilities of the reader to handle these formats. However, if the readers supports the lookahead capability, it will use a magic header check instead of relying on file name extensions.

The actual work of the Vanilla importer happens in the import_elements() method. It is split into three parts:

  • creation of the import result object
  • creation of a group object which acts as rootgroup
  • reading the file line by line

While performing these tasks the example demonstrates what type of errors to detect, a way to report the errors, and how to implement an include file mechanism and similar things with a recursive call to the mi::neuraylib::IImport_api::import_elements() method.

Registration of an importer

The registration of an importer is similar to the registration of user-defined classes. However, since importers are different from regular classes (e.g., you cannot create instances of them using mi::neuraylib::ITransaction::create()) you need to use a registration method specific to importers. This registration method expects a pointer to an instance of the custom importer.

To run the example, you need to create two files called test1.vnl and test2.van, each 5 lines long and starting with a line saying VANILLA. The example will print the (for demonstration purposes generated) errors messages and the names of the imported elements.

Source Code Location: example/vanilla_importer.h

* Copyright 2023 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include <mi/neuraylib.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
// Support function to handle mi::base::Message_severity to std::string conversion
static std::string enum_to_str( mi::base::Message_severity severity)
switch( severity) {
case mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_FATAL: return "fatal";
case mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR: return "error";
case mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_WARNING: return "warning";
case mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_INFO: return "information";
case mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE: return "verbose";
case mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_DEBUG: return "debug";
default: return "unknown" ;
// Define importer state, which is used in the importer function to carry additional data around for
// possible recursive invocations of importers. It contains a URI for the imported resource, a line
// number, and a pointer to a parent state supporting recursive imports.
class Vanilla_import_state
: public mi::base::Interface_implement< mi::neuraylib::IImpexp_state>
// Constructor.
Vanilla_import_state( const char* uri, const mi::neuraylib::IImpexp_state* parent_state)
: m_line_number( 1),
m_uri( uri ? uri : ""),
m_parent_state( parent_state, mi::base::DUP_INTERFACE) { }
// Definition of all interface functions.
const char* get_uri() const { return m_uri.empty() ? 0 : m_uri.c_str(); }
mi::Uint32 get_line_number() const { return m_line_number; }
void set_line_number( mi::Uint32 number) { m_line_number = number; }
void incr_line_number() { ++m_line_number; }
const mi::neuraylib::IImpexp_state* get_parent_state() const
if( m_parent_state)
return m_parent_state.get();
mi::Uint32 m_line_number;
std::string m_uri;
// Define importer. It defines all meta information, for example, author, version numbers, which
// formats it supports etc. The longer format detection functions and the import_elements() function
// are implemented outside of the class body.
class Vanilla_importer
: public mi::base::Interface_implement< mi::neuraylib::IImporter>
// Constructor.
Vanilla_importer( mi::neuraylib::IPlugin_api* plugin_api)
: m_plugin_api( plugin_api, mi::base::DUP_INTERFACE) { }
// Definition of all interface functions.
mi::neuraylib::IImpexp_state* create_impexp_state(
const char* uri, const mi::neuraylib::IImpexp_state* parent_state) const
return new Vanilla_import_state( uri, parent_state);
// This importer supports the file name extensions ".vnl" and ".van".
const char* get_supported_extensions( mi::Uint32 i) const
switch( i) {
case 0: return ".vnl";
case 1: return ".van";
default: return 0;
mi::neuraylib::Impexp_priority get_priority() const
const char* get_name() const { return "NVIDIA example vanilla (v1) importer"; }
const char* get_author() const { return "NVIDIA Corporation, Berlin, Germany"; }
mi::base::Uuid get_uuid() const
uuid.m_id1 = 0x338eca60;
uuid.m_id2 = 0x31004802;
uuid.m_id3 = 0xaab9046b;
uuid.m_id4 = 0x9e0b1d9b;
return uuid;
mi::Uint32 get_major_version() const { return 1; }
mi::Uint32 get_minor_version() const { return 0; }
bool test_file_type( const char* extension) const;
bool test_file_type( const char* extension, const mi::neuraylib::IReader* reader) const;
const char* extension,
const mi::IMap* options,
mi::neuraylib::IImpexp_state* import_state) const;
// Definition of support functions. They are not part of the interface.
// Format message with context and append it to the messages in the result.
static mi::neuraylib::IImport_result_ext* report_message(
mi::Uint32 message_number,
mi::base::Message_severity message_severity,
std::string message,
const mi::neuraylib::IImpexp_state* import_state)
std::ostringstream s;
s << import_state->get_uri()
<< ":" << import_state->get_line_number() << ": "
<< "Vanilla importer message " << message_number << ", "
<< "severity " << enum_to_str( message_severity) << ": "
<< message;
// Report context of all parent import states from recursive invocations of
// import_elements() in their own lines with indentation.
while( parent_state.is_valid_interface()) {
s << "\n included from: " << parent_state->get_uri()
<< ":" << parent_state->get_line_number();
parent_state = parent_state->get_parent_state();
result->message_push_back( message_number, message_severity, s.str().c_str());
return result;
bool Vanilla_importer::test_file_type( const char* extension) const
// This importer supports the file name extensions ".vnl" and ".van".
mi::Size len = std::strlen( extension);
return (len > 3)
&& (( 0 == strcmp( extension + len - 4, ".vnl"))
|| ( 0 == strcmp( extension + len - 4, ".van")));
bool Vanilla_importer::test_file_type(
const char* extension, const mi::neuraylib::IReader* reader) const
// Use magic header check if lookahead is available
if( reader->supports_lookahead()) {
// File has to start with "VANILLA" and linebreak, which can be \n or \r depending on the
// line ending convention in the file.
const char** buffer = 0;
mi::Sint64 n = reader->lookahead( 8, buffer);
return ( n >= 8) && (0 == std::strncmp( *buffer, "VANILLA", 7))
&& (((*buffer)[7] == '\n') || ((*buffer)[7] == '\r'));
// This importer supports the file name extensions ".vnl" and ".van".
mi::Size len = std::strlen( extension);
return (len > 3)
&& (( 0 == strcmp( extension + len - 4, ".vnl"))
|| ( 0 == strcmp( extension + len - 4, ".van")));
mi::neuraylib::IImport_result* Vanilla_importer::import_elements(
const char* extension,
const mi::IMap* importer_options,
mi::neuraylib::IImpexp_state* import_state) const
// Create the importer result instance for the return value. If that fails something is really
// wrong and we return 0.
= transaction->create<mi::neuraylib::IImport_result_ext>( "Import_result_ext");
if( !result)
return 0;
// Get the 'prefix' option.
std::string prefix;
if( importer_options && importer_options->has_key( "prefix")) {
importer_options->get_value<mi::IString>( "prefix"));
prefix = option->get_c_str();
// Get the 'list_elements' option.
bool list_elements = false;
if( importer_options && importer_options->has_key( "list_elements")) {
importer_options->get_value<mi::IBoolean>( "list_elements"));
list_elements = option->get_value<bool>();
// Before we start parsing the file, we create a group that collects all top-level elements.
// This will be our rootgroup.
std::string root_group_name = prefix + "Vanilla::root_group";
transaction->create<mi::neuraylib::IGroup>( "Group"));
mi::Sint32 error_code = transaction->store( rootgroup.get(), root_group_name.c_str());
if( error_code != 0)
return report_message( result, 4010, mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR,
"failed to create the root group", import_state);
rootgroup = transaction->edit<mi::neuraylib::IGroup>( root_group_name.c_str());
// Register the rootgroup with the importer result.
result->set_rootgroup( root_group_name.c_str());
// If the element list flag is set, record the rootgroup element also in the elements array of
// the result.
if( list_elements)
result->element_push_back( root_group_name.c_str());
// Assume it is a line based text format and read it line by line. Assume lines are no longer
// than 256 chars, otherwise read it in pieces
char buffer[257];
while( reader->readline( buffer, 257) && buffer[0] != '\0') {
// Periodically check whether the transaction is still open. If not, stop importing.
if( !transaction->is_open())
// Here you can process the buffer content of size len. It corresponds to the line
// import_state->get_line_number() of the input file.
mi::Size len = std::strlen( buffer);
// We illustrate some actions triggered by fixed line numbers: Line 3 of a ".vnl" file
// triggers the recursive inclusion of the file "test2.van" file with a prefix.
mi::Size ext_len = std::strlen( extension);
if( 3 == import_state->get_line_number()
&& (ext_len > 3)
&& 0 == strcmp( extension + ext_len - 4, ".vnl")) {
// Get a IImport_api handle to call its import_elements() function
if( !import_api.is_valid_interface())
// Error numbers from 4000 to 5999 are reserved for custom importer messages like
// this one
return report_message( result, 4001, mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR,
"did not get a valid IImport_api object, import failed", import_state);
// Call the importer recursively to illustrate the handling of include files and similar
// things. We trigger this import only on a ".vnl" file and include the fixed file
// "test2.van". We give the included file an extra prefix "Prefix_".
mi::base::Handle<mi::IString> child_prefix( factory->create<mi::IString>( "String"));
child_prefix->set_c_str( "Prefix_");
mi::base::Handle<mi::IMap> child_importer_options( factory->clone<mi::IMap>(
child_importer_options->erase( "prefix");
child_importer_options->insert( "prefix", child_prefix.get());
import_api->import_elements( transaction, "file:test2.van",
child_importer_options.get(), import_state));
// Safety check, if this fails, the import is not continued.
if( !include_result.is_valid_interface())
return report_message( result, 4002, mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR,
"import was not able to create result object, import failed", import_state);
// Process the result. Even in the case of an error, we need to process the elements
// array.
if( list_elements)
result->append_elements( include_result.get());
// Append messages of include to this result
result->append_messages( include_result.get());
// React on errors during processing of the include
if( include_result->get_error_number() > 0) {
// Report the failure of the include as a separate message too
report_message( result, 4003, mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR,
"including file 'test2.van' failed.", import_state);
} else {
// Recursive import was successful. The rootgroup of the import is now appended to
// this rootgroup
if( 0 == include_result->get_rootgroup())
report_message( result, 4004, mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR,
"include file 'test2.van' did not contain a rootgroup", import_state);
rootgroup->attach( include_result->get_rootgroup());
// Line 4 triggers several messages and adds an empty group to the rootgroup.
if( 4 == import_state->get_line_number()) {
// Several messages, file parsing continues
report_message( result, 4005, mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_FATAL,
"test message in line 4", import_state);
report_message( result, 4006, mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR,
"test message in line 4", import_state);
report_message( result, 4007, mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_WARNING,
"test message in line 4", import_state);
report_message( result, 4008, mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_INFO,
"test message in line 4", import_state);
report_message( result, 4009, mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE,
"test message in line 4", import_state);
// Create a group "Vanilla::Group1"
std::string group_name = prefix + "Vanilla::Group1";
transaction->create<mi::neuraylib::IGroup>( "Group"));
mi::Sint32 error_code = transaction->store( group.get(), group_name.c_str());
if( error_code != 0)
report_message( result, 4011, mi::base::MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR,
"unexpected error in line 4", import_state);
else {
// Add this group to the rootgroup
rootgroup->attach( group_name.c_str());
// If get_list_elements_flag is set, record the new element in the elements array of
// the result.
if( list_elements)
result->element_push_back( group_name.c_str());
// Handle line numbers, buffer might end in '\n' or not if line was too long.
if( (len > 0) && ('\n' == buffer[len-1]))
if( reader->eof()) {
// Normal end
return result;
// Report error condition for a failed reader call
return report_message(
static_cast<mi::Uint32>( reader->get_error_number()),
reader->get_error_message() ? reader->get_error_message() : "",
This interface represents bool.
Definition: inumber.h:122
virtual const base::IInterface * get_value(const char *key) const =0
Returns the value for key key.
virtual bool has_key(const char *key) const =0
Indicates whether the key key exists or not.
This interface represents maps, i.e., a key-value based data structure.
Definition: imap.h:41
A simple string class.
Definition: istring.h:22
Handle class template for interfaces, automatizing the lifetime control via reference counting.
Definition: handle.h:113
Mixin class template for deriving interface implementations.
Definition: interface_implement.h:41
This API component allows the creation, assignment, and cloning of instances of types.
Definition: ifactory.h:35
A group is a container for other scene elements.
Definition: igroup.h:39
This interface represents states that are passed to recursive calls of importers and exporters.
Definition: iimpexp_state.h:36
This interface is used to import files.
Definition: iimport_api.h:100
This interface represents the result of an import operation.
Definition: iimport_result.h:129
This interface represents the result of an import operation.
Definition: iimport_result.h:44
This abstract interface gives access to the Iray SDK API to plugins.
Definition: iplugin_api.h:27
virtual Sint32 get_error_number() const =0
Returns the error number of the last error that happened in this reader or writer,...
virtual const char * get_error_message() const =0
Returns the error message of the last error that happened in this reader or writer.
virtual bool eof() const =0
Returns true if the end of the file has been reached.
A reader supports binary block reads and string-oriented line reads that zero-terminate the result.
Definition: ireader.h:27
virtual bool supports_lookahead() const =0
Indicates whether lookahead is (in principle) supported.
virtual bool readline(char *buffer, Sint32 size)=0
Reads a line from the stream.
virtual Sint64 lookahead(Sint64 size, const char **buffer) const =0
Gives access to the lookahead data.
A transaction provides a consistent view on the database.
Definition: itransaction.h:84
virtual bool is_open() const =0
Indicates whether the transaction is open.
virtual base::IInterface * create(const char *type_name, Uint32 argc=0, const base::IInterface *argv[]=0)=0
Creates an object of the type type_name.
virtual base::IInterface * edit(const char *name)=0
Retrieves an element from the database and returns it ready for editing.
virtual Sint32 store(base::IInterface *db_element, const char *name, Uint8 privacy=LOCAL_SCOPE)=0
Stores the element db_element in the database under the name name and with the privacy level privacy.
virtual Uint32 retain() const =0
Increments the reference count.
static const Dup_interface DUP_INTERFACE
Symbolic constant to trigger a special constructor in the Handle class.
Definition: handle.h:37
Uint32 m_id1
First value.
Definition: uuid.h:27
Uint32 m_id2
Second value.
Definition: uuid.h:28
Uint32 m_id3
Third value.
Definition: uuid.h:29
Uint32 m_id4
Fourth value.
Definition: uuid.h:30
Constants for possible message severities.
Definition: enums.h:31
A fatal error has occurred.
Definition: enums.h:33
This is debug message.
Definition: enums.h:43
A warning has occurred.
Definition: enums.h:37
This is a normal operational message.
Definition: enums.h:39
This is a more verbose message.
Definition: enums.h:41
An error has occurred.
Definition: enums.h:35
long long Sint64
64-bit signed integer.
Definition: types.h:61
unsigned int Uint32
32-bit unsigned integer.
Definition: types.h:49
Uint64 Size
Unsigned integral type that is large enough to hold the size of all types.
Definition: types.h:112
signed int Sint32
32-bit signed integer.
Definition: types.h:46
virtual const IImpexp_state * get_parent_state() const =0
Returns the state of the parent importer or exporter.
virtual void incr_line_number()=0
Convenience function that increments the line number by one.
virtual Sint32 set_rootgroup(const char *group)=0
Sets the name of the root group.
virtual Sint32 append_messages(const IImport_result *import_result)=0
Appends all messages in import_result to this instance.
virtual const char * get_uri() const =0
Returns the URI for this file.
virtual Sint32 element_push_back(const char *element)=0
Appends an element to the array of recorded elements.
Confidence in capabilities of an importer or exporter.
Definition: iimpexp_base.h:31
virtual Sint32 append_elements(const IImport_result *import_result)=0
Appends all elements in import_result to this instance.
virtual Uint32 get_line_number() const =0
Returns the line number after the last read or write operation.
virtual Sint32 message_push_back(Uint32 number, base::Message_severity severity, const char *message)=0
Appends a message number, severity, and message to the array of recorded message numbers,...
The highest possible priority for importers or exporters in plugins provided in the Iray SDK.
Definition: iimpexp_base.h:37
Common namespace for APIs of NVIDIA Advanced Rendering Center GmbH.
Definition: neuraylib.h:179
A 128 bit representation of a universally unique identifier (UUID or GUID).
Definition: uuid.h:26

Source Code Location: examples/example_importer.cpp

* Copyright 2023 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
// examples/example_importer.cpp
// Demonstrates the implementation of custom importers
#include <iostream>
// Include code shared by all examples.
#include "example_shared.h"
// Include header file for the Vanilla importer.
#include "vanilla_importer.h"
// The importer.
void configuration( mi::neuraylib::INeuray* neuray)
// Register the Vanilla importer.
check_success( extension_api.is_valid_interface());
check_success( plugin_api.is_valid_interface());
importer = new Vanilla_importer( plugin_api.get());
check_success( extension_api->register_importer( importer.get()) == 0);
void test_importer( mi::neuraylib::INeuray* neuray)
// Get the database, the global scope of the database, and create a transaction in the global
// scope.
check_success( database.is_valid_interface());
check_success( transaction.is_valid_interface());
// Prepare the importer options:
// We do not want to have an additional prefix, but a list of all imported elements.
mi::base::Handle<mi::IBoolean> list_elements( transaction->create<mi::IBoolean>( "Boolean"));
list_elements->set_value( true);
mi::base::Handle<mi::IMap> importer_options( transaction->create<mi::IMap>( "Map<Interface>"));
importer_options->insert( "list_elements", list_elements.get());
// Import the file test1.vnl (implicitly using the Vanilla importer).
check_success( import_api.is_valid_interface());
import_api->import_elements( transaction.get(), "file:test1.vnl", importer_options.get()));
check_success( import_result.is_valid_interface());
// Print all messages
for( mi::Size i = 0; i < import_result->get_messages_length(); ++i)
std::cout << import_result->get_message( i) << std::endl;
// Print all imported elements
for( mi::Size i = 0; i < import_result->get_elements_length(); ++i)
std::cout << import_result->get_element( i) << std::endl;
int main( int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/[])
// Access the neuray library
mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::INeuray> neuray( load_and_get_ineuray());
check_success( neuray.is_valid_interface());
// Configure the neuray library
configuration( neuray.get());
// Start the neuray library
mi::Sint32 result = neuray->start();
check_start_success( result);
// Test the Vanilla importer
test_importer( neuray.get());
// Shut down the neuray library
check_success( neuray->shutdown() == 0);
// Unregister the Vanilla importer.
check_success( extension_api->unregister_importer( importer.get()) == 0);
importer = 0;
extension_api = 0;
neuray = 0;
// Unload the neuray library
check_success( unload());
This interface is used to interact with the distributed database.
Definition: idatabase.h:294
This interface is used to extent the Iray SDK API.
Definition: iextension_api.h:32
This is an object representing the Iray library.
Definition: ineuray.h:44
virtual Sint32 shutdown(bool blocking=true)=0
Shuts down the library.
virtual base::IInterface * get_api_component(const base::Uuid &uuid) const =0
Returns an API component from the Iray SDK API.
virtual Sint32 start(bool blocking=true)=0
Starts the operation of the Iray library.
Interface * get() const
Access to the interface. Returns 0 for an invalid interface.
Definition: handle.h:294
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