A simple RTMP render handler which simply renders a standard image at the resolution of the scenes camera.arguments
- "renderer" : String (default: null)
The renderer to use.
- "canvas_content" : String (default: "result")
The data to render into the image.
- "canvas_pixel_type" : String (default: "Rgba")
The pixel type of the canvas used for the render. Note that video codecs do not typically support exotic pixel types. It is recommended to use one of the set "Rgba", "Rgb", "Color" or "Rgb_fp". "Rgb" will likely provide the best encoding performance.
- "render_context_name" : String (default: "")
An optional name for the render context.
- "render_context_timeout" : Uint32 (default: 60)
The duration that the render context will stay accessible after the render loop ended.