- "aperture" : Float64 (default: null)
The aperture width of the camera.
- "aspect" : Float64 (default: null)
The aspect ratio of the camera.
- "camera_name" : String
The name of the camera.
- "clip_max" : Float64 (default: null)
The yon clipping distance.
- "clip_min" : Float64 (default: null)
The hither clipping distance.
- "focal" : Float64 (default: null)
The focal length to set.
- "frame_time" : Float64 (default: null)
The frame time of the camera, in seconds.
- "offset_x" : Float64 (default: null)
The horizontal plane shift.
- "offset_y" : Float64 (default: null)
The vertical plane shift.
- "orthographic" : Boolean (default: null)
If the camera is orthographic or not.
- "resolution_x" : Uint32 (default: null)
The width of the camera.
- "resolution_y" : Uint32 (default: null)
The height of the camera.
- "window_xh" : Uint32 (default: null)
The right edge of the render sub-window in raster space.
- "window_xl" : Uint32 (default: null)
The left edge of the render sub-window in raster space.
- "window_yh" : Uint32 (default: null)
The top edge of the render sub-window in raster space.
- "window_yl" : Uint32 (default: null)
The bottom edge of the render sub-window in raster space.